Wednesday 25 April 2012

Garlic Rice Porridge / Vaivu Kanji

Vaivu Kanji / Garlic Rice Porridge is a simple, mild flavored rice recipe, of Tamil Nadu. This preparation is a delicious medicine for Gas troubles, Indigestion and Digestive disorders, its an instant cure and very good for your health. When I was a kid my grandma used to make this recipe once in a month to get rid of all digestive problems, and I used to have this porridge without making a fuss, believe me it tastes so delicious!! It can be had plain or accompanied with Paruppu (Toor dhal) Thuvaiyal or Coconut Thuvaiyal or Pickles or any other Thuvaiyal. I recommend this recipe to everyone and specially to pregnant ladies, it is so good for you, have it atleast once a month and enjoy good health.

I have explained both the pressure cooker method and normal pan method. The only difference is the preparation time.

Both the methods are very easy, I have explained very elaborately, hence the description seems long.


(Serves 3 People)
  1. Rice - 1 cup 
  2. Coconut -1/2 of one coconut / Coconut milk - 1 cup 
  3. Boiled milk - 1 cup 
  4. Garlic pods - 10 
  5. Ginger - 1 inch long piece
  6. Drumstick leaves - 1 cup 
  7. Fenugreek seeds - 1 spoon 
  8. Salt - As per taste 


Pressure cooker method (Time taken - 15-20 minutes):
  • Wash rice and drain, keep aside. 
  • Grind coconut and extract milk from it, even if you get more than a cup use it also.
  • In a pressure cooker add the following, close with the lid.
      • Washed rice + 4 cups of water + Coconut milk + Fenugreek seeds + Peeled Garlic pods + Ginger. 
  • Place on heat and place the weight after the pressure oozes out from the lid nozzle. 
  • Pressure cook for 10 minutes on low flame.
  • After ten minutes remove from flame 
  • After the pressure releases, open the lid and place on flame again.
  • Now add the drumstick leaves, boiled milk and stir well. 
  • Do not close the cooker with the lid.
  • Add salt as per taste.
  • Cook for another 5 minutes and remove from flame.
  • Serve!

Normal pan method (Time taken - 45-50 minutes):
  • Wash rice and drain.
  • In a saucepan add the following;
      • Washed rice + 4 cups of water + Coconut milk + Fenugreek seeds + Peeled Garlic pods + Ginger. 
  • Cook on low flame for 45 minutes or until the rice becomes mashable. 
  • Add water if necessary, the porridge not be too thick, it must be watery.
  • Now add boiled milk, drumstick leaves and stir well.
  • Add salt as per taste.
  • Cook for five more minutes and remove from flame.
  • Serve!

TIP 1: The porridge should be little watery! So check for water and add more if you want.

TIP 2: The ratio of the porridge should always be as follows
    • Rice : Water : Coconut milk : Boiled milk - 1:4:1:1 
TIP 3: You can replace boiled milk with coconut milk also.

TIP 4: Add smaller garlic pods so that they get cooked well. Bigger garlic pods may not get cooked properly. 

TIP 5: Add a spoon of Cumin seeds to get a good flavor and smell.

TIP 6: It is a very good cure for gas trouble!! It is also filling. Pregnant ladies can have this after three months of pregnancy.

A delicious and healthy porridge is now ready!! Serve with pickles or Paruppu thuvaiyal or Coconut thuvaiyal. 

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. You keep coming up with all kind of interesting recipes. I love garlic but never pictured it in rice. So I better get my little slave/husband to cook this one someday soon :)
    Kisses my thangai

  2. My dear akka, you always supports me for anything I do.. Thanks Petro!!

    Ha ha ha Your hubby ,must be a great cook!!

    Kisses akka!!

  3. Thanks Kavita!!! Thanks for dropping in again:)

  4. This is amazing... It is like medicinal rice... but yummier... Will try it for sure!

  5. Healthy food specially for toddler....good

  6. Anisha am sure you will like it.. Try it out and let me know the feedback!!!

    Thank you so much for dropping in again..

  7. Hey thank you Zari, its good for everyone, and for toddlers too..Try it and am sure you will like it!!.

    Thank you for visiting again!!

  8. Delicious as always! Thanks once more!

  9. new dish to me but anything with garlic. looks wonderful

  10. Thank you so much Julie, Eftychia and Sayantani..

    Thank you for visiting!!!

  11. ive never made kanji this way...interesting recipe :)

  12. Thanks Shruti..Try it you will surely like it!!

    Thanks for stopping by!! Do visit again:)

  13. this is a new recipe to me!! must be flavorful

  14. Wow what a wonderful blog design..I wish it to be mone :) super blog dear..

    First tie here..very happy to follow u..

    Do visit mine @

  15. He is a great cook but right now he's too busy I don't dare to ask him anything, he needs to relax too.
    Kisses thangai

  16. wow, sounds totally healthy and delicious!

  17. lovely

  18. Awesome recipe,totally healthy n yummy.
    Thank u Divya for stopping by my space.... I am very happy to follow you.

  19. Thank you so much Kushi, Sri, R, Follow foodie and Hemalata!!

    Thanks for dropping by!!

    Do drop in again...

  20. wow that was a nice one.. simply love it...

    Dish Name Starts With L

  21. This sounds like such an interesting combination of ingredients! I've a lot of garlic that I want to use. I may just make this!

  22. Am sure you will like it Cathleen!!
    Thank you again for dropping by!!


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