Monday 2 April 2012

Homemade KFC Chicken Fry / Crispy Chicken Fry

Everybody especially the chicken lovers can't resist the yummy chicken recipes at KFC. I am an ardent fan though having heard controversies, and wanted to try this out fry for a long time. Although I do not know the secret ingredients, the chicken came out so crispy delicious and tasted similar to KFC chicken. I was very much satisfied as I could afford more pieces at a reasonable price and also it is much healthier. So for all those chicken lovers here is the treat!!! I do not exactly know the secret ingredients or the spices used, though I could guess a few, I just used the available ingredients from my pantry. This is a purely personalised recipe with my own Indian twist. My recipe may differ from that of the original KFC chicken fry, but I promise you that it will taste great and will be a treat to your taste buds and tummies. I couldn't take pictures of the recipe properly because everyone grabbed all the pieces and I had to fight for some pieces to take a snap. 


  1. Chicken - 250 grams (boneless; you can use skin too)
  2. Oats - 1 cup 
  3. Egg - 1
  4. Roasted chana dal powder (porikadalai powder) / Maida - 1 spoon (optional)
  5. Red chilli powder - 1 spoon
  6. Ginger-Garlic paste - 1 teaspoon
  7. Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon
  8. Salt - As required
  9. Oil - For frying


  • Wash chicken pieces well in water. 
  • Then chop into smaller parts and wash once more.
  • Separate egg white from the yolk and keep egg white aside. We are going to use the egg white alone.
  • In a bowl make a mixture of the following ingredients;
      • Egg white + ginger-garlic paste + Red chilli powder + Lemon juice + Salt
  • Add the chicken pieces and marinate with the prepared mixture.
  • Leave the marinated chicken pieces undisturbed for half an hour.
  • In a blender/mixer add oats, a pinch of salt and roasted chana dal powder (pottukadalai powder) and just give a pulse and keep it aside. Do not grind it just give a pulse and stop.
  • Now coat the marinated chicken pieces with the oats mixture.
  • Deep fry/shallow fry the pieces until they become slightly brownish. 
  • Remove from flame and serve with sauce!!!!
  • Yummy homemade KFC chicken fry is now ready!!!
TIP 1: Roasted chana dal powder is not necessary, it is just used to add flavor and helps in binding easily. But it is not essential. You can use all purpose flour (maida) instead. 

TIP 2: Do not grind the oats mixture, just a pulse will do. Be careful not to grind too much, just run a pulse.

TIP 3: I chose breast part of chicken, but you can use any part you want. With or without bone, its your choice.

TIP 4: Atleast half an hour marination is essential to make the chicken soft and absorb the masala.

TIP 5: People who are health conscious can shallow fry the chicken pieces.

Crispy, Delicious and affordable chicken fry is now ready!! Moreover its homemade!! Serve as starter, snack and even a main dish. Try it and you will love it for sure!!


  1. thnx for linking such great yummy recipe to my event :)

    1. Thank you Charu for considering my recipe and commenting back!! Please do visit often!!

  2. Lovely photos, this is a different version than mine, probably yours is much closer to the original, I have no idea, I'd have to taste it. Congrats and kisses.

  3. Hi Unikorna :) Not sure Unikorna.. Am sure your's looks more like the original..You have added the perfect spices... But do try these also!!

    Thanks for the lovely words!!

  4. Hi Divya,

    All your receipes are fab.the photos are good , it is inviting ,step wise photos will be too good.i have tried the mutton gravy receipe, pondu kulambu receipe is bookmarked .using oats is very different in kfc chicken ,i shld try i. each of u r receipe is quite authentic .good luck.


    1. Hi Meena thank you so much for the feedback and appreciations :) Thanks and do try the poondu kulambu you will love it and if you have any doubts feel free to contact me :) btw using oats makes your chicken more crunchier and yum try it out its easy too :)

      Do visit again :)

  5. Great recipe... Very well written... Its simple and easy to follow


    1. Thanks Reeve for the appreciations :) Do visit again!!

  6. jus came accross ur blog... so goood it is.... pics and recipes are fabulous

  7. Hi Divs.. Tried this at home and got a great relief from my brother troubling me everytime i come from Bangalore to get KFC chicken..

    He loved this chicken and we enjoyed it too :)

    Good going girl.. will try more from ur blog and will keep u posted :)

    1. Thank you so much Ady for trying and for the appreciations.. Glad all of you enjoyed it :D Do try and let me know your feedbacks would love to hear from you :)

  8. can we use cornflakes instead of oats..?

  9. can we use cornflakes instead of oats..?

  10. I've tried it. Its awesome...& easy recipe... You'll lick your fingures... i love this ....

  11. Wow...!!! Thanks for the recipe...looks delicious!!


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