Sunday 15 April 2012

The Lovely Blogger Award

So its my time to award somebody... Yes I have created this award just because I want to thank my lovely friend for the continuous support she has been providing me.. She never forgets to visit my blog and never ever forgets to comment.. Her comments are not just words they are true and valuable.. She is a lovely blogger and she deserves this award... From the very day she knew about my blog she has provided me enough support.. She gives me such high appreciation that I don't deserve actually!!!! 

So who is this SHE??
My dear lovely friend 'PETRO' from Romania 
I humbly give you this award for pushing me further to success everyday!!!
Thank you Petro...
Click here to visit her blog

<img src="/YTCC_award.jpg" alt="Lovely blogger award" title="Lovely blogger award" width="200" height="200" />

She has a lovely blog and has a co-author Ellie who is just 8 months and helps her in writing a new post everyday. Ellie is never out of ideas and she is as lovely as her MOM, Petro..

I also want to pass this award to other lovely bloggers who have been doing a lovely work!! May be they don't know me but I do like their work.. 
And finally please pass on this award to all your fellow bloggers whom you think is doing a lovely job. Say a special thanks to a particular blogger, on the top of your post and say how much you owe them thanks and how lovely they are, like I thanked my dear friend Petro.  

What you have to do and some Rules and Criteria to be followed
  • Create a post as I have done, thank a special friend on the top of your post as I did.
  • Thank the person who passed this award to you and create a link to his/her blog.
  • Don't nominate bloggers whom you have already nominated for some other award.
  • Nominate atleast two new lovely bloggers, who hasn't been your friend until now and nominate them. This is to get you known to new blogger friends.
  • Nominate as many bloggers as you can.


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  1. Thank you for this lovely award ! I am glad to follow your wonderful blog :)

    1. Its my pleasure to nominate this award for you!! Thanks for visiting and following..

  2. Thank you so much my lovely Divya!
    When our friend Unikorna pointed that she's met so many wonderful people since started blogging, I never imagined it would happen to me too, and at such an early stage. But here you are, one of the most amazing bloggers I've met. By creating this award for me and passing it to other bloggers too you only made my respect and admiration to you grow even more.
    And just to make it clear one more time. Your blog is not humble, it's what you love so it's really important. Plus I am as newbie as you are so we're in this together :)
    Thank you again and I send you million kisses

    1. Thanks Petro I really wanted to thank you for your support and here is the right time.. Thank you for accepting my award and truly you are a lovely blogger am happy to be a friend of yours!!!

  3. Thank you beautiful Divya, you're so sweet to mention my blog. Million kisses.

    1. You are a lovely blogger Unikorna and you really deserve this. Thanks for accepting my award

  4. Congrats dhivya,
    Thanks for passing it to me.

    1. Thank you and congrats Follow foodie!! Do visit again!!

  5. HI Rahul Thanks for stopping by, that would be great.. Will join you soon

  6. thankyou so much divya for passing on this award!!

    1. Happy to pass this award to you!! You deserve this award lovely blogger!!!!

  7. Dear Divya,

    Thank you so much for passing on the award to me! Wanted to visit your site that day itself, but couldn't do due to my ill health. Thanks once again dear..and happy to join your lovely space :)


    1. No Problem Vani, Your health is more important how do you feel now?? Hope You are alright!!! And congrats Vani you have a lovely blog and you deserve this award!!!


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