Saturday 7 April 2012

Potato Chips / Urulaikilangu Chips

Almost everyone in the world loves potato chips, it is delicious and crispy. These chips are either flavored or served plain. Although it is not advisable when coming to health issues, it is not going to harm you if you have these chips once in a while. 


  1. Potatoes - 2
  2. Salt - 1/2 spoon
  3. Red chilli powder - 1 spoon (optional)
  4. Oil 
  5. Tissue papers


  • Wash the potatoes well, peel skin if you wish to. (peeling the skin is optional)
  • Using a vegetable slicer, slice the potatoes.
  • Add salt to the slices and mix well, keep aside for 15 minutes. 
  • Then take the slices and squeeze the water from it.
  • Spread the potato slices on a tissue paper or cloth and remove the excess water from it and keep aside. 
  • In a frying pan pour oil, after it heats up add the potato slices and fry for two minutes in low flame.
  • Then fry the potatoes for another 2 minutes in high flame until the chips turns brown in color. Be careful not to over fry or burn it.
  • Remove from flame.
  • In a bowl/vessel add red chilli powder and salt, mix well. 
  • Then add the chips in the above mixture close the bowl/vessel with a lid and toss the potato chips well, so that the red chilli powder coats the chips well.

  • Serve!!
TIP 1: You can also make this recipe using sweet potatoes. 

TIP 2: Initially when you add salt it will remove the water content from the slice and make the chips more crispier. So do not fry as soon as you slice the potatoes, the chips will not be so crispy.

Spicy, Tasty and Crispy Potato chips are now ready 

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  1. Replies
    1. Yeah Petro these chips are one of the the tastiest snacks in the world!!!!


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