Thursday 12 April 2012

The Sunshine Award

A big hearty thanks to my dear friend 'Petro Neagu' who has nominated me for 'Sunshine Award', am so happy for being nominated, at such an early stage of blogging. Her blog is a very cute and beautiful blog 'The Seaman Mom' that revolves around her cute little darling baby 'Ellie'. I always provide sufficient time for myself to read all her posts. 

Sunshine always gives us rays of hope, rays of warmth, rays that makes us visible, rays that lets us meet kind people, rays that gives us strength and faith to meet the next day. Similarly this nomination for the sunshine award has been my first hope for better blogging, my first nomination as well, have led me to meet good people and faith to meet the next day as well. I feel strengthened and warm. Spread the same joy to everyone. 

So coming to how the award works.. there are a few rules and criteria to be followed for this award. 

So it goes like this, Create a post with the following details;
  1. Thank the person (my dear friend Petro, I thank you once again) who nominated you for this Sunshine Award and link them back.
  2. Then tell something about you. 
  3. Spread the joy by nominating your fellow bloggers and friends, its a way of appreciation.
  4. Finally convey the bloggers about the nomination. 
That's it!!! You are all done!!!

Something about me;
  • Am a home-maker and I love cooking, I love to post all my best food recipes and share it with everyone. All my posts are handpicked recipes, those which have got best comments.
  • I love to make dishes that satisfies my husband's taste buds.
  • I love pets and interacting with them, I have grown a lot of pets like Cats, Dogs, Squirrels and Birds. 

  • Drawing, cooking and aari-work (a traditional hand work that Indians do) has been my passion. 
  • Above all I love Jesus, (He never lets me down) and his words, and my favorite book is the Bible. 
  • I think that's enough, I don't want to bore people!!!!
So coming to the aim of spreading joy- NOMINATION for the 'Sunshine Award' 

  • The first blog I would like to nominate is a cooking blog with a variety of recipes, that makes me drool just by the seeing her recipe pics, 'Viki's Kitchen' by a lovely lady 'Viki Xavier', I just love her recipes and her blog style. 
  • The second blog I would like to nominate is 'Calico Casa' by a beautiful blogger, 'Christobel Amelia Hastings'. Her blog is as bright as sunshine and radiates her beauty all along.
  • The third nomination goes to an Indian recipe blog 'Cardamom Bliss' -, not by an Indian. I was amazed at first to know that the Indian recipe blog wasn't posted an Indian but by a lovely lady from Canada who took interest in Indian food at the age of 13!!!!!! 
  • The fourth one goes to a cute blog 'Doodle Thoughts' another blog with cartoons posted by a lovely JoanneC. It is another unique blog.
  • The sixth nomination goes to the Indian recipe blog 'Sumi's Kitchen' -  with lots of yummy recipes. I have visited her blog many times and I am happy to nominate her. 
  • Seventh Nomination goes to 'Spice-India' - another recipe blog that has posts of Indian recipes and lots more, by Lavanya. 
Spread the ray of hope and joy wherever you go!!!


  1. Beautiful post! Congratulations again and thank you for bringing al these blogs to my attention, I like to get in touch with as many great blogs as possible.

    1. Thank you Petro, all these could not have been possible without you.

  2. Hi Divya, Congrats on the award and thanks for sharing it with me too. Nice to read about you....admire your love for Jesus. Your passion for family, pets, arts and cooking are beautiful dear. Truly you deserve that beautiful Sunflower award.....keep up the spirit and wishing u all the best!

    1. Thank you so much Viki, I love your passion for Jesus too and your blog looks really beautiful!! Congrats on the award Viki, your blog deserves it!!! Best wishes to you too... Thank you for taking enough time to read about me (which is a bit boring)... Do visit again..

  3. Hi Divya,

    Thanks for including my blog here! For some reason, your comment doesn't show up in my blog, but luckily all comments are forwarded to my email. I will follow your rules and criteria, asap! We're having crazy weather with the electricity flickering and our computers freezing. But I hope to write a post within the next few days, and I'll let you know when I do.


    1. Sure Mary!!! Your blog deserves it for your passion!! I really admire your interest in Indian food.. Do keep up the good work. Wishing you all the best!!! Hope the weather gets better soon.. Thank you for stopping by, please do visit again...

  4. What a lovely blogpost and thank you so much for those kind words, and of course the Sunshine nomination! Your blog has a great deal of care and attention put into it and I am enjoying reading through all your wonderful recipes. I will be sure to spread some happiness in turn by carrying out my Sunshine nominations :) Many thanks, Christobel

    1. Congrats on the award and my best wishes for your lovely blog... You do deserve this award!! Have a great day!!!

  5. Hi Divya,

    Thanks again for including me in this wonderful award. Congratulations to you as well. It's very uplifting to be involved in this sunny award. I've posted on this, so take a look. Thanks again, so much!

    1. Hi Mary, You are a wonderful blogger and you do deserve this award.. Keep rocking and your post is wonderful!!!!


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