Friday 11 May 2012

Lets Get Tagged and My 3rd & 4th Awards

Apart from recipe there is another thing I love, Its nothing but recognition from fellow bloggers! This time I've been tagged..

Lets Get Tagged

Am tagged by Sweet Lavanya from 

 my dear Sister Petro from 

and my lovely friend Meghana from 

Delicious adventures

Its like a game, answering questions and introducing yourself!!

First let me post the rules
  1. Post the rules.
  2. Answer and create new set of questions.
  3. Tag other bloggers and link them to your post.
  4. Let them know that they have been tagged.

So let me start, as I have been tagged by two lovely people I have to answer 16 questions.. 

  1. Introduce yourself - Am a normal home maker and love to cook and love my husband. I live in India.
  2. Favorite hobby - Love to play like a kid with my hubby, love shopping, trying new recipes and of course blogging.
  3. Family support for blogging - My hubby and Mom support me well and they provide me ideas and suggestions after I post a recipe. My hubby helps me in confirming whether the dish is suitable for posting or not. My mom helps me with recipes and tips and my dad helps me with some suggestions about pics.
  4. Favorite food - Chicken and only Chicken, especially chilly chicken and tandoori.
  5. Inspiration to start a blog - I love cooking and wanted to share my recipes, also I wanted to take a note of all my new recipes, came to know about blogging and started one.
  6. How do you feel when you get awards/tagged - I love awards it helps me know new bloggers and always motivates me. Thank you friends!!
  7. About food photography; do you judge a recipe by pictures? - Yeah sometimes earlier I concentrated on pics, when I wasn't blogging, but after I started a blog I knew the difficulties and knew that those without pics had even better recipes. But pictures do tell us how the recipe outcome will be, so its partially necessary. Now am sure that picture is important but the stuff is more important. 
  8. Have you tried other bloggers recipes - Yes before blogging now have enough time to cook, take pics and post them, have book marked some will try soon.
  9. How happy you will be when you get comments  for your recipes - I love comments and conversing with my visitors and fellow blog friends. I try my best to reply to all comments. Comments actually motivate me.
  10. About taking part in other blogger events - I love to participate and have participated in many events. 
  11. What's your perspective of life? - I always rely on God, I believe in Jesus and so my perspective is to follow His ways and His teachings and incorporate them into my life. 
  12. What's your idea of perfect living? - No one is perfect in this world except God, so I never stress perfection in my life, at the same time I don't do things imperfectly, even if I do so its not my attitude. Perfection comes from practice so I try to practice and experiment things well until I learn from them.
  13. What would you do to keep your family happy? - I would buy surprise gifts for them. Its the simplest way of making them happy and also I love to satisfy their hungry tummies and taste buds in a healthy way.  
  14. How do you keep in touch with friends? - I always send them atleast a text message to keep in touch with them, I have many friends and some friends even come home weekends or we go out shopping. I never miss them.
  15. How do you maintain old friendships? - Staying in touch at times of worries is the best thing to maintain any relationship, a consoling word at times of darkness, a short sms with care is enough according to me to maintain good friendships. 
  16. What's your favorite method to keep your sanity safe? - I don't have any particular method but I don't like changes so I try to be more myself rather than following others like a flock of sheep. Just being myself helps me more. 
Hope I didn't bore any of you!!

Now I love to tag my other blogger friends;

Akila from Learning-to-cook 

 The Sun Cuisine 

Meghana from Delicious Adventures

 Spice up the curry

Supriya from Supriya's Rasoi 

Avika from Variety is the spice 

Zari form Zaiqa-e-hind 

Anu from Anu's healthy kitchen

Julie form Erivum Puliyum

 Viki from Viki's Kitchen

Cathleen form A Taste of Madness 


All of them are lovely bloggers!!
I wish all of them success!!

You can answer any 5 of the above question or any number of questions you wish to..I don't think I need another set of questions these questions are very unique and good enough.

I have been awarded by Lavanya again and this time its like a double happiness!!
Thank you once again Lavanya!!! From Tickle your taste buds blog...This means a lot to me!!

I have been awarded two awards
The Versatile Blogger


Inspirational Blog Award

And I would also like to share the awards to the above bloggers!!

Rules to be followed for the award!!

1. Please accept the award and claim the picture.
2. Post about it on your blog and link back the person who nominated you for the award.
3. In the post mention 7 random facts about you. (As I have already mentioned a lot about me in my previous posts am not gonna bore my readers again :))
4. Nominate your other blogger friends and notify them.

Happy Blogging Friends!!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Pretty post, thangai, and I love how you did the tagging with images of the blogs, very original. And the answers are perfect, I couldn't expect any better than that.

    Thanks for the lovely words about me :)

    Kisses and hugs

  2. Hi akka you are so sweet!! You never fail to encourage me!! :) I mean those words.. Thanks for everything..

    Kisses and Hugs :)

  3. I am delighted to be tagged by fellow bloggers! It means a lots thank you :)
    Sun Cuisine

    btw where can I answer the questions Divya? In the comment section?

  4. Nice to know you better!

  5. nice post..loved ur way presentation

  6. Dear Divya, nice to know you. here! Through Petro's blog I came to meet you. In fact, this game works for us to share our lives a little closer ties of friendship.


  7. Hi Suncuisine Radha, Maha, Julie, sissym, thanks for the comments.

    Sun cuisine you have to post a comment just like I did in your own way.. Very curious to know more about you :)

    Radha, Maha Thanks for the appreciation.. :)

    Julie its my pleasure to tag you and very am waiting for your lovely post :).

    Hey Sissym nice to meet you..Yeah I loved this tagging game it lets us know more about our fellow blogger friends :).. Do drop in again thanks for the visit.

  8. Sorry Suncuisine you will have to create a post like I did :) and tag other friends this helps you know and meet new blogger friends.. Waiting for your post:)

  9. Do visit my space. Its showering award time :)

  10. Hey thanks Lavanya Will surely visit!!

  11. Hello Divya thanks for tagging me you made my day.
    Please check the link

  12. Congrats !! Good to know all this about you dear .. first time on your blog, glad to follow you :)

  13. Thank you so much Nupur!! DO drop in again.. Thanks for following :)


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