Friday, 21 September 2012

Step By Step Instructions For How To Chop Watermelon Rinds

Rinds are nothing but fleshy outer skins of fruits. Water melon has a whitish rind between the red sweet part and the outer green skin. This fleshy white portion can be used for making stir-fry, curries and side-dishes. It is less sweet than the fleshy red portion of the watermelon but has the watermelon flavor in it. These rinds have a crunchy texture and tastes similar to cucumber. You can make curries, gravies, stir-fries using these watermelon rinds. Just use these rinds like you will use snake-gourd. Read further to know how to chop these rinds for using them in preparations. 

Check out my watermelon kootu (side-dish) by clicking here!!


  1. Watermelon rinds (I got 250 grams of chopped rinds from a small watermelon fruit)


  1. A sharp knife or Peeler - 1
  2. Chopping board - 1 
  3. Tupperware box / Normal box - For storing chopped rinds


How to chop water melon rinds for preparing stir-fry(poriyal or kootu), Curries and Gravies (Kulambu), soups, etc. 
  • Collect the leftover rinds of the watermelon. 
  • Peel off the hard outer green skin using a knife or peeler. A knife will work better if you have cut them into slices. 
  • Remove the red fleshy and sweet layers if any using a knife. 
  • Then chop them into smaller cubes and refrigerate them for future use. Store in Tupperware boxes to maintain freshness. 
  • Use within 2 days. 

Use these for making stir-fries, curry, gravies, side-dishes etc!! 

Check out my Watermelon Kootu/Sabzi preparation by clicking here!! 
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  1. super, my sis rocks, arivali da nee :D

    Cook like Priya

    1. Thank you so much sis..You appreciate me even if I do crazy things :)

  2. very useful post.....thanks for sharing

  3. Never use this white rinds. Lovely post dear.

    Today's recipe:

  4. Neat explanation n very useful divya..Thanks for sharing dear!

  5. very useful explanation..thanks a lot..

  6. very useful. This literally proves that u can make best out of what most people think is waste. Kudos. :)


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