Thursday 15 November 2012

Egg Rasam | How To Make Egg Rasam

Hi dear friends am happy to introduce, a lovely person "Shafeeka" who has been a continuous support to me. She is a Non-blogger who has been my subscriber and mails me at times with lovely encouraging words that helps me to do better everyday. Here today she is going to share with us a wonderful rasam recipe. She has sent this recipe to participate in the "60 Days To Christmas" event conducted by Priya.R and me together. And am so glad to share her recipe with you. When I asked her whether I could publish her recipe she gladly accepted. Thank you Shafeeka. I did not have kari vadagam so I tried the rasam without it, but still it tasted so good, it was soothing and delectable and I wanted to publish it right away. It goes well with rice, try it and you will love it for sure. Thanks for sharing such a super comforting rasam dear. 

Check out my rasam recipes here!!

Here is my rasam picture I tried by following Shafeeka's recipe;

About Shafeeka

When I asked to introduce about herself she gave a very humble reply as follows;
Hi all, there is not much to introduce myself, I am a commerce graduate with passion in writing and reading. I am married and currently a new mommy exploring everyday life. I am just in the process of practically learning cooking and its associates.

She has also not forgotten to appreciate me, this is really pushing me forward to do much more. Thank you so much Shafeeka!! 
Here is what she said;

And not to forget your everyday recipe updates pushed me to kitchen and inspired me to try few.Its all because of the photography done by you at every single step.Those clicks encouraged to give a try that things will turn out smoothly.So much perfection you  have!
May God gives you all that you deserve.

Thank you so much Shafeeka. Am so happy to here such lovely words!! God Bless you too!!

Now lets get to know how to make this rasam in Shafeeka's words. 
Over to you Shafeeka. 


Serves 3
Total Preparation Time - 15 minutes
  1. Tamarind - 1 lemon-sized ball
  2. Garlic - 4 to 7 cloves (peeled and slightly crushed)
  3. Kari vadaham - 2 spoons
  4. Dry red chillies - 2
  5. Turmeric powder - ¼ tsp
  6. Cumin powder - ½ spoon
  7. Pepper powder - ¾ spoon
  8. Coriander leaves - Few (chopped)
  9. Curry leaves - Few (chopped)
  10. Egg - 1
  11. Oil -3 to 4 spoon (as required)
  12. Salt to taste


Photo credit - Shafeeka
  • Soak the tamarind in a cup (500 ml) of warm water, Extract juice and discard pulp.
  • Take a vessel, heat oil  and saute crushed garlic, dry red chillies, kari vadagam, curry leaves, pepper powder, turmeric powder, cumin powder, till nice aroma comes (i.e till you feel like coughing)
  • Then add the extracted tamarind water and salt, stir well.  
  • Bring it to boil for 3 to 5 min in low flame.
  • Sprinkle coriander leaves.
  • Crackle and break open an egg and pour it directly into the rasam gently while boiling.
  • Remove from heat when egg is completely cooked.
  • Serve after few minutes.
Egg Rasam
Tangy and hot rasam is ready to be served during this chilled atmosphere of Christmas!! 


Thanks Shafeeka for this wonderful Rasam recipe!!
Now over to you friends..Do share your suggestions and views!!

Non-bloggers, those who wish to participate in the "60 Days To Christmas" Event, send your recipes (which are relevant to Christmas theme) to my email-id if interested. I will publish your recipes on my space on your behalf.
Click here for more details.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Looks so delicious, i love the egg popping out :) and its get that Shafeeka has come forward to share her recipe :) kudos to her and Divya

  2. i m a vegetarian so cant comment abt the recipe

    bt admire her spirit here

    wonderful work shafeeka

  3. Looks Delicious...Egg in rasam is totally new...Thanx for sharing... both divs and shafeeka.....

  4. Nice recipe, thanks for sharing Divya and shafeeka

  5. thanks for sharing this divya.. and thanks to your subscriber friend too.. never thought we can prepare egg rasam :)

  6. looks so yummy. I am drooling here. Love the beautiful clicks.

  7. Sound new n interesting recipe, well done Shafeeka n Divya, bookmarking this!!!

  8. New recipe,sounds great,thanks to both of you for this yummy recipe.

  9. New Innovation in the world of Rasam.

  10. Innovative rasam recipe Divya and shafeeka.

  11. This is such a new rassam.. have to give it a shot .. its a mix of 2 of my fav dishes :)

  12. Wow such a different recipe...lovely..

  13. Looks so new to me... Bookmarked !!!

  14. looks good. must be a unique recipe :)

  15. Definitely will try this ....Divya....Thanks to Shafeeka as well

  16. I am new to this recipe...looks great...thanks for sharing this.. divya and shafeeka.

  17. Very innovative!!! Thanx to both Shafeeka & divya for this yummy recipe :)
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  18. New and yummy rasam..Thanks to both of you for this lovely recipe..

    Shabbu's Tasty Kitchen

  19. Hii

    Sorry for inconvenience of Rafflecopter Software, i have to drop the this idea.....because of some problem in coding and not working properly. Now there are same entires but without raffle copter
    Please Check this event again for your valuable entries which you did it for Preeti's Kitchen Life

    Sorry for Inconvenience and Thanks for participation and patience.

  20. unique and different combination....thanks for sharing...Divya and shafeeka...

  21. Love egg podimas and rasam together, but this egg rasam sounds interesting,will try out soon, thanks Shafeeka for sharing this beautiful rasam.

  22. Delicious rasam. Thanks to Shafeeka and Divya both for this wonderful recipe.

  23. Super Rasam, soon going to try..


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