Tuesday 8 January 2013

Plum Nei Appam - Guest Post By Preethi

Hello friends, I feel so delighted to share with you all an interesting guest post from my dear blogger friend +Preeti Tamilarasan who blogs at Indian Kitchen. When I asked her for a guest post someday she immediately accepted without a second thought and sent the recipe within few days, I should really thank her for this. Thanks a lot dear!! Please do read more to know more about her.


Preeti is an amazing and enthusiastic blogger whom I have been following for a long time, she has a really high spirit and has progressed more in the past year. I love her keen interest in blogging, her recipes are so good specially her clicks are fabulous. The main thing that fascinates me is her unusual combos, I fondly call her the combo queen. Really interesting combos I say, check out this recipe and all her other recipes and you'll know!! She has used plum juice to make this nei appam, amazing right? That's why I call her a so. Her recipe blog has a lot of drool-worthy recipes and she has posted about 650+ recipes with different combos all within a year!! Its an achievement I should say. Preeti, I wish that all your work succeeds and keep giving us some nice combo recipes as you always do. Friends do check her blog for more interesting recipes. 

Now lets get to know the recipe in her words!!

Hi Friends, this is my second guest post and I feel very happy to do it for my dear friend Divya. She doesn't need any introduction as she is the main brain behind her SNC group. I wanted to do something sweet post for her as this is my first guest post in her space, i opted to prepare this yummilicious plum nei appam which has the flavor of banana and plum. Sorry Divya, chicken next time :) Sometime, I would prepare chicken specially for you and parcel it to your home. (Thanks Preeti, that sounds so good JMy blog Indian Kitchen was started one year back with the full intention of creating a back up of my recipes. Until now my blog has over a collection of 650 recipes. I would like to thank my dear husband who is the lab rat of my recipes :) that's how he calls himself. Thanks Divya for giving me this opportunity.

Nei Appam is a delicious sweet snack of Tamil Nadu. The main part that makes it special is we fry it in ghee, which gives an additional aroma. Lets move on to the recipe.


  1. 1 cup raw rice - soaked overnight or for 3-4 hrs
  2. 1/2 cup jaggery
  3. 1/2 cup plum juice
  4. 2 banana - peeled and sliced
  5. 2 tbsp semolina (rava / sooji)
  6. 1 tsp cardamom seeds powder
  7. 1/2 tsp cooking soda (sodium bi-carbonate)
  8. ghee - to fry


  • Soak raw rice overnight. Next day, grind it in mixie to a smooth paste adding plum juice.
  • Shift it to a bowl. Heat jaggery with 1-2 tbsp water in a pan till it is completely dissolved.
  • Filter the jaggery syrup to remove any impurities and mix with rice paste. Similarly blend banana slices to smooth paste and mix with rice-jaggery paste.
  • Mix everything well. Add cardamom powder, cooking soda and semolina to it and mix well. The batter should not be watery.
  • Keep it aside for 10 mins. Heat paniyaram pan on low flame. Grease it with 1 tsp ghee.
  • Take a spoonful of batter and pour in each cup of pan. Fry the appam evenly on both the sides by rotating with the help of a needle like wooden stick.
  • Remove the appam from the heat and proceed with the remaining batter. Serve it hot or cold.

Thanks for such a lovely post Preeti!! It is a pleasure having you as my guest!! 
Congrats on your blog anniversary!! 
Wish you many more success in all that you do!!

Over to you friends!! Do post your comments and encourage her!!


  1. wow... Divy said correct abt u Preeti as Combo Queen... Well made... Nice to see ur guest post here... Lovely Divy n Preeti...

  2. yummy appam.the combo sounds great

  3. Very well made appam Preeti, looks too delicious. Thanks for sharing Divy.

    today's recipe:

  4. perfectly textured n nicely presented appams...perfect images too..great work preeti..divya..

  5. Lovely guest post preethi and Divya, appam looks great

  6. The texture looks so perfect !! Very nice guest post Divya

  7. Wow! Looks yum and really nice clicks!

  8. thanks divya for your wonderful words and giving me this honor to do a guest post for you :)

  9. looks so soft and delicious.. well made.

  10. wow....unique guest post by Preethi

  11. Just speechless,plum juice for making nei appam thats truly very creative. Preeti rocks always with her creativity,seriously i love her space.

    Thanks to both of you for this beautiful guest post.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Wonderful guest post!!! unique n colorful combo, loved this appam!!!

  14. really it is a interesting combo.. love it

  15. This is new to me and pics are nice.

  16. super tempting and inviting....

  17. This is really new to me... But like a lot... Preeti superb one... pics are also good... nice click.

  18. Preeti is some who amazes me too 650 recipe wow :) and love the name Divya that you have kept for her combo queen :p interesting one and lovely post dear and congrats to both of you good work

  19. Great collection of recipes,Preethi..& a perfect yummy tea time snack..Lovely guest post,Divya & Preethi!!
    Join EP event-Nutmeg OR Parsley @ Chef Mireille's Global Creations

  20. Innovative recipe by Preethi...lovely write up by both of u Divya n Preethi!!

  21. Superb dish , wonderful post girls..

  22. It looks simply delicious. nice post....write ups of both r so lovely..

  23. Very innovative and unique recipe. Love all the clicks.

  24. Lovely post with unique recipe.. Wishes to both of you..n

  25. Lovely post,650 recipes :) that is a big feat!
    A very unique recipe!

  26. Looks lovely.....I love appams....and these look fantastic!

  27. So very innovative Preeti... Good one Divya

  28. yummy n fluffy appam!!!! Very innovative to use plum juice!!!

  29. Wow..super looking plum nei appam...Loved the innovative idea..Great guest post..

  30. Superb appam using plum...looks very spongy and delicious. Kudos to both of you!


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