Wednesday 30 January 2013

Samosa | Onion Samosa | Samosa From Scratch | How To Fold Samosas | Make Crispy Samosas

Samosas, I know is one of the most favorite snack for all. It has been a very popular snack almost all over the world, it is called by different names as Sambusa, Samosa etc. I love the street side stall samosa, they are very crunchy and tastes the best. It has a crunchy texture with a outer maida covering and an inner vegetable or meat filling. But the recipe is not a quickie, it needs some effort to make these and it takes a lot of time, so some pre-planning is needed if you want to make these. I have tried my best to explain the preparation method well, I have posted two videos at the bottom of the post to help you know how to fold samosas. Do check them out and try the recipe and share your feedbacks too. The folding part needs some practice and patience moreover and making the samosa wrappers or the samosa sheets is the trickiest and time consuming process. But once you get them right you will definitely fall in love with the whole process and will also become used to it, as I did. The end result just amuses everyone who tastes it. Give a try and you'll know, who doesn't love praises? 

My first attempt to make a samosa was a big disaster. With no idea of how to make the samosas I just followed a recipe with the usual instinct and the cook's voice within me. But the samosas were so rough, not flaky nor crunchy but hard and had no aroma. All I did was, I prepared the dough, rolled it really thin then cut it into rectangle sheets and made a cone, this was the basic and major mistake. For the stuffing I sauteed the onions separately with masala and then used the cooked onions to fill the samosa sheets, this was another dumb mistake that I made. My cook's instinct did tell me that something was worn but still I happily started to fry the samosas, there was no aroma, which noted me of a serious problem. Finally after the samosas turned brown I removed them from flame and was waiting to taste it. The first bite proved me that the samosas were not right, I had made many blunders and did not follow the actual procedure to make samosas. Then I made a lot of research about how to make samosas and finally I came across an old but precious cook book that I used to refer very often, it gave me the following recipe for making samosas. I tried the same method and succeeded, wow the attempt itself was like an adventure. Can you believe that you can make 36 samosas from just 100 grams of flour? Amazed right this recipe is as amazing as this fact. Ready for some homemade onion samosas? Do try this way and am sure you will get the best samosas just like the crunchy and flaky ones that you get in the street side stalls. 


Serves 36 samosas
Total Preparation Time - 2 hours 
  1. Maida - 1 cup (100 grams) (Gives you 36 samosa sheets but the rest of the ingredients measurements are for making 3 samosas; you can prepare the sheets stack them and store in refrigerators)
  2. Big onion - 2 (Chopped finely)
  3. Green chillies - 1 (Optional; Chopped finely) 
  4. Coriander leaves - Few (Chopped finely) 
  5. Curry leaves - Few 
  6. Red chilli powder - 1 spoon (or less)
  7. Salt - As per taste 
  8. Oil - 2 spoons + For deep frying 


  • Take a bowl, add maida, salt and oil and mix well. Then add water little by little and knead into a smoother dough. After done set aside for 20 to 30 minutes covered. Then divide the dough into equal portions and roll them smoother balls and set aside. Keep them covered do not expose it to air. 
  • Take another bowl add chopped onions, green chillies (optional), coriander leaves, curry leaves, salt, red chilli powder and mix well, set aside.  
  • To roll/flatten the dough balls, take a pastry board / chapati board and dust some flour on it and place the ball on it. 
  • Then flatten the prepared ball using a rolling pin. Roll until the sheet becomes very thin. Do this with the rest of the dough balls and set aside. See that all the flattened sheets are similar in size. 
  • Now place a rolled sheet and dust some rice flour / all purpose flour over it, add a spoon of oil and spread it well using your fingers on the sheet. 
  • Then place another sheet over this sheet and press well. Now, sprinkle some flour, and add a spoon of oil over this second sheet and spread well using your fingers evenly. 

  • Do the same with the rest of the sheets and press gently on the edges. Stack one sheet above the other, spread oil and flour in between and keep stacking until the the last sheet.  
  • Then roll this prepared sheet using the rolling pin (stacked sheet) well.  Then cut off the curved edges using a knife, such that it becomes rectangular sheet. 
  • Now take a tawa / pan and place on flame then place the sheet on this tawa and cook for a few seconds until the sheet changes color slightly, no browning needed. Flip sides and remove from flame and set aside until it cools. 
  • Then cut this sheet into rectangular strips using a knife or scissor. Stack the sheets and keep inside a plastic sheet to avoid drying. Do not let this sheet dry. (if left open in air it will dry and will tear while folding) [I have stored the rest of the sheets in refrigerator for future use, I just made 3 samosas. To store the sheets just stack them all together and put them in a zip lock bag  and place them in freezer. Then before using them remove from freezer and set aside until it comes to room temperature then use them.]
  • Then take one single sheet and loosen the corners you will be able to get different layers, slowly and carefully peel off the layers. From one sheet you will be able to get 6 thin sheets. The sheets will be so thin that they will tear off if you don't handle them gently. After you peel it use them immediately do not let them dry
  • Take one of this thinnest samosa sheet and fold it as shown in the picture. To learn how to fold a sheet check the video at the bottom of the post. (This folding part needs some practice, but once you learn it it will be the easiest and coolest job. The sheets will be very thin and so you will get nice and crunchy samosas)

  • Now you will get a pocket after folding, take a spoon of the prepared onion mixture fill it inside this pocket. 
  • Press (stuff) the mixture well and fold again.
  • Fold until there is no more sheet to fold. Then finally spread some all purpose flour paste on the sheet edge and fold again to seal the edge. 

  • Do the same with the rest of the sheets and set the samosas aside for a few minutes before frying, this gives samosas a nice flaky texture. 
  • Heat a pan and pour oil to deep fry the samosas. After the oil turns hot (see that oil is not too hot), slide in the prepared samosas gently and deep fry them on low flame until they turn brown. Never increase the flame in between, if you do so or if the oil is hot, then the samosas will not brown evenly. Also dark brown spots will be formed and the inside will not get cooked. So fry in low flame right from the start and wait patiently, when done remove samosas from flame and set aside. Fry all the samosas in batches.  
  • Serve with chutney or sauce!!
  • Some of the samosa sheets tore because I was in a hurry, so I made mini samosas out of it. 
  • You can make any sizes, just reduce or increase the length and width of the sheets. Always see that the samosa sheet has four times the length as its width. (my samosa sheet had a length and width of 20 * 5)


TIP 1: The samosas sheet should be very very thin to get the crunchy outer layer. Whne you follow this procedure you will get the thinnest sheet. 

TIP 2: Folding needs some practice, first take a paper and practice using it. Then try it with the dough. Also take care that the sheets do not get dry, if it gets dried it will tear while folding. 

TIP 3: Read the procedure well and then proceed only then you will get the perfect samosas, I have already given tips along with the procedure so read carefully. 

TIP 4: Never fry the samosa in high flame, we need an even browning and also the inside and outside of the samosas should get cooked. So always keep in low mode and fry patiently. It may take time but it will give you the best samosas. 

TIP 5: I have added the onions raw, as the samosas gets fried these raw onions will release a nice aroma and flavor to the samosas. So always add the raw onion filling. 

TIP 6: The most important part is the making of samosa sheets, take care to practice well and then try your hands on samosa sheets. (Check video below) 

TIP 7: I have made just 3 samosas, but you can make 36 samosas from the same 100 grams of flour. 

TIP 8: If you find difficulty in folding then you can simply make pockets out of it and make onion pockets instead of samosas.
TIP 9: I got 36 sheets because I made 6 pooris out of the sheet and then stacked them. Also while stacking one sheet above the other, never forget to spread some flour and oil between the sheets, this will help you peel the sheets easily. Rice flour is the best but I have used all purpose flour (maida) here and it did give me the same benefit.

TIP 10: See that the rectangular sheet is cooked before you try to peel off the sheets, only when it gets cooked you can peel the sheets, otherwise there is no chance. 

Super crispy and tasty, Indian samosas are now ready!! Serve hot with some tomato sauce or chutney and enjoy with a hot cup of tea or coffee!! 

Here is a video clip of how to fold a samosa sheet. I have used a normal sheet of paper to demonstrate the folding. You can practice using a normal paper before trying your hand on the samosa sheets!!

To know how I folded the samosas check out the below video!! 
Please forgive me for the bad poor video J
I just wanted to help out everyone to know how to fold samosas...
Hope you get benefited J

Super crispy and tasty, Indian samosas are now ready!! It will be just like the store bought ones!! Serve hot with some tomato sauce or chutney and enjoy with a hot cup of tea or coffee!! 


  1. Wow what a detailed post. Bookmarked.Thanks they look yum.

  2. wow...super crispy and tempting samosas...very well explained...lovely pics,
    Kalakitta poo...liked ur video too :) Great Job dear!

  3. are va video post ah?kalakringa madam:)super crunchy and yummy samosas.all time favorittttttttte.keep going:)more videos in future:)

  4. tat was so good video explanation to fold samosas :) and i loved your miniature samosas so much :) all lovely clicks tempting me :)

  5. wow divya , kudos ,lovely pics and nice presentation.thanks for sharing the idea of making from scratch.

  6. it's super duper crunchy samosas. no wonder you are an artist, you have such a beautiful long fingers.

  7. Beautifully explained,great job dear,crispy and tempting samosas.

  8. wud u belive u took me down the memory lane

    with these samosas

    they hv been my all tiem favs
    i wud try to make ur way

  9. You have taken lot of efforts for the post Divya! Kudos to you! Perfect samosa's! I like the first 3 more than those mini samosa's..but they look cute too!

    Once I prepard this, n we loved it...hmm, I think I am gonna make them today! :)

  10. We make if very often, but never made from scratch, nice post.

  11. You have put in a lot of effort for this post. The pictorials are very useful and well explained..
    Though I like samosas, have never attempted to make at home. This post will be very helpful for my first attempt.. :)
    Nicely captured pictures..

  12. Looks delicious as usual with great effort..:)! paarthavudan edukka thoonuthu..superb..

  13. Kudos to you Divya.. for the patience u have....
    The mini Samosas look too good........

  14. Well explained. Nice photo's. bookmarking this all time favorite snack.

  15. Congrats on your first video Divya! has come out well. samosa looks perfect

  16. cute and crispy samosas divya.................

  17. beautiful post in those crunchy mini samosa's

    Home Made Recipes

  18. Divya, simply awesome dear, the way you have folded the samosas, they look so professional and so neat, so perfect..

  19. Beautiful samosas sis :-) and no one can explain like u seriously :-) hats off to you and this is my favorite snack, now u know what to make for me when i visit you :D so happy to see you back to blogging... Love

  20. Super yummy and crispy samosas....Hats off to you for the step wise procedures and videos...Keep rocking dear....

  21. too good ..slurrppp...samosa super crunchy and tempting..beautiful clicks!!!!

  22. Cute samosas. Bookmarked. Very useful post. Thanks for sharing.

  23. Hats off to u dear....wonderful & yummy samosa......good job!!!

  24. divya.I have no words 2 say dear..Ur dedication 2 blogging/cooking was just awesum..Bro(Ur Hus)is really a lucky guy.....Clarity of pics,neatness,explanation font in d pics,side thing in pics every thing everything is just wonderful..keep rock always......One of d best.

  25. Wow!!!well explained with the stepwise pictorial and video.The samosas look crispy and crunchy,an addictive and tempting snack,loved the clicks....

  26. Very well explained Divya !!! Great work :-)
    Looks yummy !!
    Today's Recipe
    Moong Sprouts

  27. Divs,
    samosa looks super crunchy, your step by step instruction and video are super useful.. Thankx a ton dear..


  28. Sooo perfect and great work with step by step pictures. Wonderful.

  29. super.. Very well explained...dear

  30. Great sis, you have done a wonderful job, loads of efforts, my mom do her samossas this way with homemade samosas sheets, but for the time sake we get already freezed wraps for making samosas..

    Those tiny samosas are very attractive.

  31. Cute looking mini samosa and nicely made with the detailed post.

  32. I really impressed by the way you presented this recipe...very useful informations..thank you so much Divya....

  33. Congrats Divya!! for the video attempt!!Kudos! It came out really good! waiting to see lot more video series from you!! Samosas looks perfect crispy!!

  34. Lovely post I wonder u work 24 hours on blogging my sincere appreciations to u

  35. Delicious crispy samosa recipe.

  36. A wonderful post...beautiful pictures...feel like grabbing them off the screen

  37. perfect and crispy samosas.Clicks was too good divya.

  38. Divya, such a beautifully explained post. Bookmarking it. Definitely will help me to make samosas for the first time. Awesome clicks!

  39. Wow ! What a post !! Loved all ur clicks... Hats off to ur effort...

  40. loved your pics and samosas.

  41. Loved the clicks...What a detailed post..Great effort dear.

  42. lovely and detailed post... hopefully when i become a better cook, i will come back here to make my own samosa sheets... i finally managed to learn the art of wrapping samosa sheets just a couple of months ago... really informative!!! and as usual, amazing pics... :)

  43. Yummy & perfectly made samosa..

  44. wow.....crunchy, perfect,mouth watering samosas....

  45. so detailed and useful post.. Love the crunchy samosas..

  46. crispy samosa make me hungry want to grab it now

  47. beautifu; samosas and amazing post. i used the same technique to fold but used a mix of wheat + maida.came out super crispy too.

  48. Very very pretty looking samosas..

  49. Samosas looking Very crispy...... Amazing clicks.

  50. Lovely post. Appreciate your efforts in posting such a detailed post with pics and explanation.

    Samosa's look very crispy and perfect.

    Spill the Spices

  51. Wow dear. wat a great effort... Perfect in every aspect. Loving those beauties

  52. Great tutorial and the samosas look too good to pass up. Going to have to try this one.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Love the onion samosas. I prepare it at home often but have never tried making the super think pastry sheets you made here. Way to go girl!!

    Join Julie's Flavours of Cuisine Event: Mexican

  55. wow rompa super
    eththanai naalum saappidu koNdeee irukkalam
    chennai taj hotel samosa naanum ippadi seyvathuNdu

  56. OMG! What a droolworthy samosas and detailed documentatation. Yummy and super delicious dear.

    today's recipe:

  57. very nice , detailed post da. samosa looks very crispy n irresistible. kudos!

  58. Lovely presentation dear looks perfect for evening snacking.

  59. Thank you friends for the lovely appreciations :)

  60. More than the recipe your explanation makes it interesting.awesome explanation and pictures.your eye for details s unique.hats off...

  61. This is classic, loved the crystal clear pictures.
    The look of it makes me want to eat that and since i don't have it near me , I'm drinking water to satiate & keep cool :)
    As always, a great recipe, Dhivya.

  62. Randomly checking out your recipes...All your recipes tempt me...have to try this one soon...

  63. Thank you for this post, it is wonderful!

  64. thank you so much! It came out so well! appreciate your efforts.

    1. Hi, thanks for trying glad you like it :)

  65. Thank you very much for the post! It came out very well! It also has turned to be my daughter's favorite due to which I have stacked the sheets ready in my freezer and is using it as an instant snack item. Thank you once again for the wonderful samosa post! Great Job and wonderful pics!

    1. Thank you so much Leah for trying it out and letting us know your feedback :) Excited to know to know that it has become your kido's fav :) Humbled thank you!!

  66. vvvery helpful.thanks for a great job

  67. perfect evening fav!!


    Saw your kitchen galatta episode. I hoping to give samosas a try. You are so inspiring young mom to people like me!! cooking and blogging, with a kiddo is a challenge!! Its a lovely blog. Keep going. All the best.


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