Thursday 7 February 2013

Bread 65 | Crispy Bread Fry | Leftover Bread Fry

Have leftover bread and wondering what to do? Try this bread 65 they are so crispy, delicious and flavorful too. Makes a great party starter or snack, moreover it is so easy to make and looks so appetizing. Just mix in all the ingredients to make a batter, then dip the bread cubes in the batter and deep fry them. No one would ever say no to this addictive snack, kids and grown up will equally love this recipe and it will be all over in just few minutes. You can use any kind of bread I normally love using sweet bread, but if you prefer sweet-less fry then you can use wheat sweet-less bread, either way it tastes so good. In many homes, especially our home I have always seen some extra slices of bread always lying around the pantry or table left unnoticed, it might be the last two slices which will end up being thrown into the trash.  I hate wasting food, and I love using leftovers when they are still fresh or usable. So I make this 65 very often with the leftover bread pieces and sometimes opt for making bread upma. The best part is, you can serve 2 people generously with just 2 slices of bread, so economical too. So try these next time for your guests or kids, am sure they will want more. And please do let me know how much you loved it!! 


Serves 2 people (makes approximately 25 pieces; depends on the size of the cubed bread pieces)
Total Preparation Time - 10 minutes
  1. Bread slices - 2 (Use sweet bread or wheat bread) 
  2. Gram flour / Besan / Kadalai Maavu - 6 tablespoons 
  3. Corn flour - 2½ tablespoons 
  4. Rice flour - 1 spoon (Optional but makes the fry very crispy)
  5. Baking soda / Soda uppu - 2 pinches 
  6. Ginger garlic paste - ½ tablespoon 
  7. Curry leaves - Few (optional)
  8. Red chilli powder - 1 tablespoon 
  9. Cumin powder - 1/2 tablespoon 
  10. Garam masala - 1/4 tablespoon (optional) 
  11. Fennel seeds - 1/2 tablespoon (crushed) 
  12. Red / Orange red food color - 2 pinches (optional) 
  13. Salt - As per taste 
  14. Oil - For deep frying 
bread 65 recipes



  • Chop bread slices into smaller cubes and set aside. 
  • Take a bowl and add all the above said ingredients (except oil and bread), then pour little water and make a thick batter out of it. The batter should not be watery nor too thick. Curry leaves are optional but they give a nice flavor when fried. 
bread 65 preparation
  • Now heat a pan and pour oil into it, wait until it heats up well. (not smoky hot)
  • Then add a few curry leaves (or a curry leaf strand) into it and let it splutter. (it gives a nice flavor to oil, but this step is purely optional).
  • Now take a bread cube and dip it in the prepared batter and shake off excess batter. Then gently drop into the hot oil; do the same with some more cubes and fry until the pieces turn crisp and reddish. Do not over crowd the pan, also do not fry for longer time, the bread pieces are already cooked we only need the outer batter to get cooked so fry on medium flame until it turns crisp. 
  • Remove from flame and place on a tissue paper to absorb excess oil. 
  • Do the same with the rest of the bread cubes and serve!!

TIP 1: Do not soak the bread pieces in the batter, just dip and fry the pieces. 

TIP 2: See that the batter is not too watery nor too thick, it should be slightly thinner than dosa batter. If it is too watery you wont get the perfect and crispy texture. Letting the batter aside for few minutes and beating the batter well with a spoon  for a few minutes gives you a fluffier coating while frying. 

TIP 3: The fry stays crispy for a longer time, but it may turn soggy if left open for a long time. So just before serving re-fry the pieces in hot oil for few seconds on medium flame and then serve, it will turn crispier again. 

TIP 4: If suppose you have some leftover batter, mix some onions and make a thicker batter by adding some more besan flour and make onion pakodas with it. 

TIP 5: You can use any bread, if you use sweet bread it will give a sweet taste while eating but if you prefer sweet-less fry you can chose a sweet-less wheat bread. Also you can increase or decrease the spicy level according to your wish. 

Super crispy and delicious bread 65 is now ready!! Makes a good appetizer or snack!!

Many friends had a doubt whether the bread would absorb oil, so am updating the post with this pic here you can see the bread stays as it is and hasn't got dunked with oil. 

You can see here, in the above click, the bread hasn't absorbed any oil and stays good as it is J
So try these and do share your feedbacks!!


  1. wow..drooling here,looking at the crisp bread 65..great appetizer,Divya!!

  2. Wow....super da....looks so yummy.....:-)

  3. Wow! what a cool idea,looks so yum..perfect appetizer.

  4. pics are resembling cauliflower 65 divya............

  5. hahaha what an idea madam ji
    surely a great party starter

    lovely way to use bread

  6. oh...! beautiful bread 65..mind blowing :)..

  7. Hmm...very tempting n delicious looking appetizer, great snack idea for kids...loved its color texture..well made dear!! Neatly presented n inviting pics too...loving it Divya!!

  8. Lovely idea... Bread 65. Looks so tempting!

  9. unique recipe sis :) looks so cute just like you :P now i want bread hmmm

  10. WOW .......What an idea Madam Ji ..
    New recipe to me !!
    Great work :-)

  11. looks good and is new to me. I shud give it a try

  12. Sooper Divs.. Fried ones looks like chicken 65 for me. Sooo tempting. Awesome idea and have one packet of planning to try this for tomo evening snack:))) Thanks for sharing dear :)

  13. nice idea Divya. nice clicks and well done

  14. very interesting bread recipe dear..

  15. Great idea to transform the boring bread into an interesting snack.. Love it Divya.. Clicks are so good..

  16. perfecr rainy day snack with hot cup of tea.

  17. great idea...perfect with cup of tea for this climate....

  18. Amazing clicks dear and simply wonderful recipe.

  19. Awesome and mouthwatering crispy snack.

  20. Yum yum divy must have been super crisp n spicy:) well done bos

  21. great idea..

    ongoing event:

  22. Wonderful idea, colorful n flavorful 65, love d it :-)

  23. It's really very innovative.. But won't the bread takes more oil???

    Event: Dish name starts with Q till Feb 28th

    1. Hi Akila :)
      No dear the bread does not absorb oil nor gets dunked in oil, the outer coating alone gets fried well and acts as a barrier preventing the absorption of excess oil, I will update a pic so that you can see the inner part after a bite, there you will be able to see that the bread has not absorbed oil. :) Try it and you will know :)

  24. Wow ! What a color !! Inviting...

  25. Wow!!!! just superb idea...
    gr8 recipe...looks so yummy!!!

  26. looks delicious .. superb clicks!!

  27. Good idea for leftover bread,quite interesting.
    Sai Padmapriya

  28. Wow..Divya you are great. Very crunchy and interesting bread pakora. Beautiful click.

    Cuisine Delights
    My Monthly Event - Spotlight Valentine's Treat: ""

  29. Wow divya mind blowing clicks...can resist to grab a bite from it...looks so tempting..

  30. Simply awesome & tempting!!!
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  31. looking fabuluos.super and so crispy:)

  32. Mouthwatering.........yummy....amazing!

    today's recipe:

  33. Ooooooh nice! incredible clicks :)

  34. interesting recipe, loved the clicks.. looks crispy and yummy!

  35. Such an innovative idea. And as usual drrling over your clicks.

  36. Fabulous idea Divya....great way to finish extra slices

  37. Superb idea!!
    I'm sure everybody from 1 year old to 100 would love to take a bite!!
    Great recipe & lovely pics.

  38. Yummy by seeing it divya ... definitely i will try it soon

  39. I tried it and it was awesome divya


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