Monday 11 February 2013

Potato Sandwich - A Guest Post By Madhavi

Hello friends am so glad to introduce to you a wonderful friend, Madhavi whom I have come to know recently through blogging world. She writes at Madhu's Indian Recipes and Madhu's Vantalu, do check out her space for yummilicious and healthy Indian recipes. I was so honored when she asked about sending a guest post for my space, and the best part is it is her first guest guest post and she wanted to post it on my space, lovely isn't it? Am so happy that she chose my space among hundreds of blogs out there. When I had a chit chat with her, I got to know that she had been blogging for almost 6 years but contrary to that she sounded so humble and down to earth. Am glad to have her first guest post on my space and I wish her many more wonderful blogging years. Thank a lot for the honor and for the yummilicious and delectable sandwich recipe Madhavi sis. Read to know more about her and her recipe and please do share your comments. 

Over to you now Madhavi; 

Hi all, I am very excited to do a guest post for Divya. When I asked Divya that I am interested in doing a guest post at her space, she happily agreed. Thank you Divya for giving me this opportunity. I have been in the blogging world for 6 ½ years now and this is my first guest post ever. Few months back, when I came across Divya’s blog, I got instantly connected. There is something about her that makes me want to come back. The way Divya’s presents her recipes and interacts with her readers got me hooked to her blog. So here I am writing a guest post for a younger sister.


Little bit about myself - This is Madhavi from Madhu’s Indian Recipes. In 2006 I started a blog named Madhu’s vantalu. Back then blogging world was a small family, every one kind of knew each other.  In addition to blogging, it was just amazing to interact with people who had the same passion for cooking. I blogged for about 2 ½ years (mostly Andhra and Karnataka recipes) and took a break as I was super busy with my two munchkins.  Even though I was not blogging, not even a day passed by with out me visiting my blog.  So finally had to come back. But this time around I started fresh with a new blog Madhu’s Indian Recipes. After being in the kitchen for more than a decade my priorities have changed. We have become lot more health conscious which you can obviously see in my recipes. My Moto - keeping it simple, easy, tasty and most importantly healthy.

The recipe I am sharing today is the simple Potato Sandwich. Being a health freak person, I am always sneaking in vegetables into all my recipes. So this recipe is no different. I have added green bell pepper, green peas and sweet corn to my Potato fry. I have used wheat bread for the sandwich you can use normal bread too. This is a great lunch box recipe or goes well even as an evening snack for kids.


  1. Few Bread slices (I used wheat bread)
  2. Potato fry (recipe given below)
  3. Grated cheese (totally optional, I did not use it) 
  4. Oil - As required
For the Potato fry
  1. Medium White potato (or any kind) - 4
  2. Green bell pepper - 1 chopped
  3. Green peas - 3/4th cup (I used frozen)
  4. Corn - 1/4 cup (I used frozen)
  5. Medium onion - 1 chopped
  6. Green chilly- 4 finely chopped or red chilly powder as per taste
  7. Curry leaves - Few
  8. Salt - As per taste
  9. Lemon juice - 1 spoon  
  10. Coriander leaves - Few for garnish 
For Tempering
  1. Oil - 4 tsp
  2. Bengal gram / Chana dal - 1 tsp
  3. Urad dal - ½ tsp
  4. Cumin seeds - ½ tsp
  5. Turmeric powder - ¼ tsp
  6. Hing - A pinch


Making the Potato Fry:
  • Boil potato till tender and keep aside.
  • Take a pan add 4 tsp of oil. When the oil gets hot add a tsp of mustard seeds. When the mustard starts popping add chana dal (Bengal gram), urad dal (skinned black gram) and cumin seeds. Saute for few seconds.
  • Add the chopped green chilly and curry leaves. Then add the chopped onion, turmeric powder and some salt. Cook for about five minutes till onion gets soft.
  • Add the bell pepper, corn and green peas. Mix and close the lid. Cook for few more minutes till all the veggies get soft. 
  • Add the cooked cubed potato with the skin on. Slightly mash with back of the spoon. Finally add the lemon juice, coriander leaves and salt. Cook for another five minutes and turn off the heat.

Making the Sandwich:

  • If using a Sandwich maker - Take two bread slices, put some cheese on one of the bread piece, then spread some potato fry add bit more cheese and top it off with another bread slice. Apply some oil on both sides of the bread and put it in the Sandwich maker. It will be done in two minutes or so.
  • Making the Sandwich on a stove top - Apply some oil on the pan, place the assembled bread and put a heavy pan/skillet on top of the bread. The heavy skillet helps the potato, cheese and bread to stick together. Cook for a minute, flip to the other side and repeat.
  • Serve the Potato Sandwich with Ketchup.

TIP: If packing for lunch box- Cool the Sandwich a bit and then wrap it in an aluminum foil. That way the sandwich wont get soggy.

I had a wonderful time writing this post for Divya! Once again thank you Divya for sharing your blog space with me. I hope you all enjoyed my post.

Thanks Madhavi for the Wonderful guest post J 
Now over to you friends, do share your comments and encourage her J


  1. yummy sandwich:)and great to know about madhavi sis:)super and keep rocking madhu sis:)

  2. Delightful sandwich. Thanks for sharing Madhavi and Divy dear.

  3. wow yummy am hungry lookin at this
    nice to know madhura

  4. lovely guest post... the sandwich looks yummy... am following madhavi sis on her blog now... :)

  5. Welcome back to blogging.simple and healthy sandwich.

  6. very delectable sandwich... its make me hungry now... excel post Madhavi n Divy...

  7. Thanks Divya sis for the honor! I totally enjoyed writing the post for you. Thank you ll the fellow bloggers for the lovely feed back.


  8. nice post divya and madhavi.. liked all the clicks.. perfect filling sandwich..

  9. wow..healthy n filling sandwich dear:)
    Love to see your recipe linked up in Flavors Of Cuisines-"Mexican"

  10. Nice Madhavi... nice recipe. And Thanks to Divya for sharing and posting this recipe.

  11. Looks delicious and tempting,a healthy and filling snack or breakfast recipe...

  12. Nice post and a scrumptious sandwich, i make this with left over potato sabzi!

  13. nice guest post.. love this sandwich remind me of my mum's

  14. delicious

  15. Healthy and filling sandwich,yum

  16. Interesting post...sandwich looks healthy and tempting...
    new follower to your blog..

  17. Guest post rocks with full filling sandwich.
    Sai Padma Priya

  18. yummy and filling sandwich dear...lovely guest post...

  19. Great to know Madhavi lovely filling sandwich and sure Divya is one of the sweetest person in the blog world. Cheers to great blogging and friendship

  20. I already know abt madhu:) enjoyed thevsandwich:)

  21. Yummy Sanwich

  22. Lovely favorite potato filling....congrats Divya and Madhu...

  23. Filling and yummy sandwich. Nice gp

  24. healthy and delicious sandwich.

  25. lovely recipe and mouth watering.
    Ongoing event:
    in my blog

  26. wow...looks scrumptiously tasty .
    wonderful guest post..:)
    Tasty Appetite

  27. Good to know abt Madhavi's space, thanks Divya for this lovely guest post! U r such a sweet person, happy to have found u :)
    Potato sandwich sounds delicious n filling! Lovely pics!

  28. Thank you all for the amazing feed back you have given. I am overwhelmed. Thanks again Divya for the opportunity to do a guest post at your space.


  29. Lovely Potato Sandwich recipe... Thanks for sharing Madhavi.... Thanks a lot Divya for this lovely guest post


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