Tuesday 5 February 2013

SNC Round Up For The Month Of January (SNC 4)

Hello Friends, here comes the results for January month's SNC Event. I hope all of you must be aware about this challenge and hope think an explanation is not needed. But still if you want to know more about the event click here!! 

Every month new members are joining our SNC family and we are so happy to see SNC baby growing and outreaching every blogger. Thanks for all the support dear friends. To appreciate the participants and hosts I have planned for a surprise. Check at the bottom of the page to know more.  

Minutes Of SNC 

SNC -1 (October 2012)
Challenge for Northern team - Mysore pak; Challenged and Hosted by - Divya Prakash
Challenge for Southern team -  Bhel Puri Chat; Challenged and Hosted by - Shruti Dhingra 
Total no. of participants - 18 out of 40 

SNC - 2 (November 2012)

Challenge for Northern team - Adhirasam; Challenged and Hosted by - Yashodha
Challenge for Southern team -  Gulab Jamun; Challenged and Hosted by - Pallavi 
Total no. of participants - 26 out of 47 

SNC -3 (December 2012) 

Challenge for Northern team - Medu Vada; Challenged and Hosted by - Sherin Deepu 
Challenge for Southern team -  Misal Pav; Challenged and Hosted by - Meena Bhatia 
Total no. of participants - 32 out of 54
Winning team - Scroll down to see result!!

SNC -4 (January 2013)

Challenge for Northern team - Vadakari; Challenged and Hosted by - Ramya 
Challenge for Southern team -  Ghewar; Challenged and Hosted by - Manjula Bharath
Total no. of participants - 27 out of 58
Challenge Over; Scroll down to check the winning team.

 SNC - 5 (December 2012) 

Challenge for Southern team - Green Peas Kachori With Spicy Dum AlooChallenged and Hosted by by - Sanoli
Challenge for Northern team - Paal Kozhukattai - Challenged and Hosted by Tamil
Total no. of participants - Will be updated
Challenge Currently Open (1st Feb - 28th Feb)

About our members

There are totally 59 in our SNC family. ( 2 members have joined recently so haven't included them in the January month's calculation)

Here is the data for the month of January;

Hosts Of January 2013

  1. Ramya Krishnamurthy on behalf of Southern team
  2. Manjula Bharath on behalf of Northern team
Both of them did a really good job, they were so helpful and hosted the challenges really well. Both the recipes Ghewar and Vadakari was loved by both the teams. Thanks girls for being such lovely hosts and challengers.

Now comes the most awaited moment!!! Lets see who wins the challenge for this month!!

Winning team of SNC - 4 (January; 2013)

So the winning team is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WINS AGAIN WITH 80 Points!!!

That's a Hatrick Girls!!!! Wow!!! 
Time To Celebrate

Winning team's Hatrick badge

Congrats Southern Team Friends!!! That was a HATRICK!!!!

Southern team members grab the Above Hatrick Badge and post about it on your space if you wish!!! 

Common Northern Team you can Do it!!!! Don't lose hope!!

Score Sheet

Please keep in mind that the point system here is only for encouraging and fun, it does not mean one team is superior or inferior to the other!! I have calculated the points based on the judgement and data given by the January month's hosts, 

+Manjula Bharath and +Ramya Krishnamurthy 

Basic Score Sheet

January month's score sheet

Score Sheet Explanation

The hosts of this month have decided the winners for each category and based on their decision I have calculated the points. 

Thanks  +Manjula Bharath and +Ramya Krishnamurthy  you have really done a great job!!
  1. Most Quickest Entry Goes to Asiya Omar of Southern team.
  2. Well Presented Recipe - Goes to Sowmya of Southern team & Amrita Vishal of Northern team. 
  3. Well Explained - Goes to Saraswathi of Southern team and Santosh of Northern team. 
  4. Most Commented - Goes to Priya Suresh again.
  5. Most Number Of Participants - Northern team has the most number of participants (8 out of 14 had participated so 57% had participated; whereas 19 out of 4 3 members from Southern team had participated, so it was 44%)
  6. Special Award (SNC Queen) - Goes to Gayathri Kumar of Southern team. The one who excels in the challenge by performing well in any way will be awarded a special badge and will earn an extra 10 points for her team. 
The total score of Northern team is 50 and that of Southern team is 80. 

Southern team has done it really well this time!! Ghewar was such a tough challenge but they have excelled in completing the task
So they deserve this win!!
But Congrats Northern team too you had performed well too!!

Its Time To Shower Awards!!! 

Here are the awards and certificates please grab them and post it on your space if you wish. If you want individual certificates with your names written on them please mail me

Winner's certificate

Participation Certificate

Winning Badges

Host Badges

Manju And Rums Ramya both of you had both performed well as challengers and hosts!! Thanks for all the support you had provided!!

We all loved both the challenges equally!! 

Most Commented Recipe 

 Well Explained Recipe

Well Presented Recipe

Special award time

"The Queen Of SNC"

This award will be given to the best performer each month and she will score some extra points for her team. 

And the SNC Queen of January month is!!!!

Gayathri Kumar  !!!! 

From the Southern team!! She has excelled really well by completing the challenge as soon as she joined SNC!! and her post was too good with good explanations and delectable pics!! Her ghewar was so good. She was nominated by +Manjula Bharath

SNC Queen Badge


Ramya had nomintaed Sanoli for her well explained Vadakari post, but when comparing both ghewar and vadakari, ghewar was toughest so the award goes to Gayathri!! Congrats Sano dear and Gayathri!!!!

Special Applauds

Special applauds to +Gayathri Kumar , +Kirti Choudhary+Amrita Vishal+Manjula Bharath and +Priya Suresh  for their high spirits! Gayathri completed the challenge the next day she joined our SNC family. It was a superb effort. Kirti was the first to complete the challenge among the Northern team and her presentation was really good. Also Manju deserves applauds for introducing us to a super Rajasthani sweet recipe. Priya Suresh akka is earning points every for Southern team with her most commented posts, this really gives a hand to the Southern team and its a really applaud-able effort. Everyone individually had performed so well be it completion of task or presentation!! Sorry if I have not mentioned your name, everyone deserves an award!!

So congrats everyone!!

Now For the Surprise!!

Friends all the hosts who had until now posed challenges link your name and blog link here, a small surprise is waiting for you next month. The surprise is only for the ones who link their names here. 

All members who have participated in all the challenges posed until now (including February challenge) link your name and blog link here. Link only after you have completed and posted the February month's challenge. Both the Southern team and northern team can link here.

Members who have participated in atleast 3 challenges link your name and blog link here!!

Note: Please link your names not your blog names. The surprise will be revealed on March 5th!!


Apart from the surprise, I have another interesting part here to bring an enthusiasm among the participants and also to lift the spirits. A poll will be open soon and there you can vote for your favorite challenge recipe, host and favorite participant. The member with the most number of votes will be given a special badge. The poll will be open soon, and I will inform you about it through the group mail!! 

February Month's Challenge!!

Two interesting challenges are waiting ahead!!! Do check them out and participate!!

  1. Challenge for Southern team - Green Peas Kachori With Spicy Dum AlooChallenged and Hosted by by - Sanoli
  2. Challenge for Northern team - Paal Kozhukattai - Challenged and Hosted by Tamil
All the best to both the teams!!

Those who wish to join our SNC family contact me here ,


  1. Congrats to all the winners! Congrats Southern team and well done Northern team :)

  2. Congrats to all the participants and winner :) looking forward for all the surprises Divya :)

  3. congrats to all the winners..

  4. Congrats to all winners, thanks again for the badge Divya, am honoured and very proud to be a part of this group.

  5. Congrats to South team and all the winners..
    Great job, girls!!
    Divya, what is the surprise all about?? Cant wait to know..
    the first linky tool is closed so soon? ;) (that is the only one am eligible for.)

    1. Sorry dear my settings were wrong, just now corrected it :) Link now dear its open :) Thanks for letting me know :)

  6. Wow! Couldn't believe it, Divya. Thanks a lot. Very proud to be a member of SNC...

    1. Congratulation gayathri :) you deserve it dear :)

  7. congratz to south team and all the winners :)nice roundup divya :) eagerly waiting for the surprise dear :)

  8. Congrats everyone so happy for you guys. This group is full of fun and cooking loving people so happy to be a part of ur team.

  9. wow what a round up and well predicted south team wins and i predict ahead tht feb challenge also south team wins eh * wink*

    congrats eveyrone

  10. Again Southern.. Team.Heeeeh!.
    Congrats to all participants of both northern and southern team and also the special award winners.Thanks Divya for the nice round up and hats off to your hard work.

  11. Congrats to Southern Team. My heartiest congratulation to all winners. Wonderful round up and great effort dear. Loved it. I am really very happy to be a part of SNC family.

  12. Congrats Southern Team. Nice effort! Lovely Round Up Divya. Carry On...

  13. Congratulations to all the winners.

    Well done!!

  14. Congrats to the all the Winners and Southern Team !!
    Well deserve :-)

  15. wonderful roundup sis:)congo winners:)linked names:)

  16. the SNC is very exciting... and now awards and polls are making it more interesting and fun!!!! Keep the good work - we should to say to all of us. Divya - very innovative of you to think various ideas to keep this interesting and not monotonous!!!!! this is fun!!!

    Ongoing Event - Tried and Tasted - Raks Kitchen
    Ongoing Event - Know Your Dairy - Cheese
    Ongoing Event - Dish it out - Lentils & Garlic

  17. Great work Divya. Congratulations to all the winning members.

  18. that is so much of work!!! i'm seriously shocked... take a lot of time, isn't it, divya??? lemme settle down in my kitchen and i am going to surely be a part of the challenge!!! :)

  19. Great effort Dhivya...Amazing work...Congrats to both team members...

  20. Congrats on winner, Divya you are putting lot of work.

  21. Congrats to all the award winners, gr8 work!!!

  22. Congrats to all winners and thanks for the same Divya..Kudos to your effort and time..You rock always..

    Dish In 30 Minutes - Soups & Salad

  23. Congrats to winners...Great work Divya...

  24. wow excellent job Divy n waiting to add my name to linky tool and awaiting for the surprise too...

  25. Congrats to the winners. Divya ji U rock babes. U give s surprise after surprise and helps keep the spirit running.


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