Sunday 31 March 2013

Carved Easter Eggs | Designed Hard Boiled Eggs | Naturally Colored Edible Easter Eggs | Easter Recipes

Hello friends wish you all a very 
Happy Easter!! 
May the Risen Lord Bless all of you and may His grace be with one and all. 

Today's is a special yet simple post, as it is Easter the day to celebrate and remember the never-ceasing, everlasting love and wonderful works of the risen Lord. Praise and Glory to him for all the wonderful works he has done for all mankind. As a part of celebration, I wanted to try my hands at something new and celebrate it with some special but simple to make recipe. So I was looking out for bakes, cakes and some traditional Easter recipes, but right from my childhood I have always admired Easter eggs and so decided to make something relevant to Easter eggs. I have been a huge fan of it and I love the brightly colored eggs, chocolate Easter eggs and the egg shaped candies. But some are just shell paintings and are not edible, some are edible hard boiled eggs but they are dunked in artificial colors. And what about the colors used, are they healthy? definitely not. Though they are attractive I still have an aversion or dislike towards too much of artificial food colors. So I chose to make something natural and edible. The next fact that immediately strikes our mind is going for some beets or carrots for natural colors, but I still wanted to make something unique and special. So I made a search all over internet and my recipe books, my search did not end in vain, luckily I found a recipe book that shared a Chinese styled marble Easter egg recipe using tea decoction and I found it natural and good enough, so I immediately picked up some ideas from it and proceeded. The next fact that was troubling me was this; What....!!! are you gonna make the same old marble eggs? it kept bothering me for a while and so I sank into some serious thinking then suddenly I got struck by an idea and then planned to carve the eggs. And I did succeeded in it, I tried using a tooth pick but it did not give smooth details, then after a failed trial I used a knife and it fitted my idea perfectly, it gave finer details and a good finish to the eggs. So here comes my way of making a natural, edible, beautiful Easter egg. I have made some changes according to my instinct and made tea decoction so this is not the pure Chinese version. I just loved the whole process the chocolaty brown color was so natural and looked pleasing moreover the best thing was it was edible too. So here comes the recipe instructions of how to make the beautifully carved, naturally colored Easter eggs. Its all natural and easy and you will enjoy making these. 

easter eggs using natural dye


Makes 3 carved eggs
Total Preparation Time - 30 minutes
  1. Eggs - 3 
  2. Tea powder - 4 + 2 spoons 
  3. Soya sauce - 2 spoons 
  4. Garam masala - 2 pinches (Optional)
  5. Salt - 1 tsp 


  • Boil eggs and shell them set aside (remove the shells).
  • To Prepare lighter decoction: Meanwhile take a saucepan and add 3 cups of water and add tea powder and boil well for 3 minutes on low flame. Remove from flame once the tea decoction is ready then filter it. (Tea decoction 1 / lighter decoction)
  • To Prepare darker decoction: In another sauce pan add 2 spoons of tea powder, soya sauce and few spoons of water, garam masala (optional), salt and boil on low flame until it reaches a dark color. Then remove from flame, strain and set aside. (Tea decoction 2 / darker decoction) 
  • Then gently drop in the shelled hard boiled eggs into the lighter tea decoction / tea decoction 1 and set aside for a 10 to 15 minutes or until the egg reaches the desired brown color. 
  • Now remove the eggs and set aside until it dries up well. 

  • Then using a sharp knife make designs (any design, I made leafy patterns) by gently drawing over the egg surface with the sharp edge. If you have some doubt doing this first draw a rough design on the egg with a blunt pencil, then use the knife and make designs following the rough design. Do not go very deep, just a gentle carving will do. Do no press the knife too hard.
  • Now drop this carved egg gently into the darker decoction (tea decoction 2) and set aside until you carve the next egg (or for another 7 to 10 minutes). Then remove from the darker decoction, shake to drop off excess decoction and set aside until it dries up well. 
  • Do the same with the rest of the eggs. Then serve with sauce or make masala with it. 

TIP 1: Do not press too hard using the knife just a gentle smooth slide will give you perfectly carved eggs. 

TIP 2: If you want lighter shaded eggs, then use lighter decoction all through the process. 

TIP 3: The eggs are edible and can be used to make masalas or can be served as such. 

Beautifully carved, naturally colored edible Easter eggs are now ready!! 

I wish all my readers, subscribers and my friends a very Blessed Easter!!

He (Jesus) died, and more importantly, has been raised and is seated at the right hand of God..!! - Romans 8:34
May the Risen Lord bless you and be with you all. 


  1. Lovely Eggs.. Happy Easter dear..

  2. So cute and intricately carved eggs! Looks wonderful! Happy Easter to you and your family!

  3. Ooo...Wow...Never thought that this kind thing can also be made..The carvings are so perfect...loved it..

  4. Super divya . Awesome idea

  5. Wonderful work, Happy Easter dear...

  6. look at that and i thought its chocolate eggs

    i had once easter egg except it was not egg it was something in egg shape bt very chocolatey. it was yrs bck i had this
    bt wow u r so innovative and creative
    just one question
    how come the eggs which u posted remained so firm
    when we boil eggs here they break up and yellow comes out looking very messy

  7. Beautiful! Happy Easter to you and your family!

  8. Awesome dear...the carving looks your ideas...keep rocking..

    1. forgot to mention about your egg looks very cute with those eggs...

  9. Beautifully carved eggs.Hat off to your ideas divya.

  10. Thats so cute. I thought it a chocolate. Hats off to your creativity :)
    Home Made Recipes

  11. Superb designed eggs Divy dear! Never thought about it before, very innovative and interesting. Have a blessed easter dear.

    today's post:

  12. wow this looks so cute n nice carving Divya.... fabulous clicks too....

  13. wow.. great work.. i first though they were chocolate eggs when I looked at them... beautiful work

  14. Cute and nice carved eggs..

  15. Nice carving ..Happy Easter.!

  16. wow....looks very beautiful.....nice clicks too...

  17. Beautifully carved,u make recipes always simpler,i have seen many methods asking to soak for 8 hrs...

  18. Lovely work and Happy Easter dear!!

  19. U r awesome divs..great work..happy Easter

  20. Very innovative perfect for easter.

  21. Very cute and beautiful looking easter eggs.

  22. Beautifully carved easter eggs, very attractive and soo cute..Happy Easter wishes sis.

  23. à®®ிக à®…à®°ுà®®ை திவ்யா

  24. My goodness, how do you come up with such innovative ideas? This is bang on.
    Love the idea of tea and soya on egg, and the carving that is very pretty too! I think we can even use chocolate over the egg!!
    Also love the background wood, I dunno somehow it is not the regular wood color, but kinda to the whitish side but gives perfect pitch for the snap!!

    Happy Easter to you and your family too!!

  25. kudos 2 ur hard work n talent.nice design on d eggs n same like always beautiful cliks..happy eater divya..

  26. lovely creation..looks so cute...

  27. That's really nice idea ...looks so beautiful ..nice pics

  28. Amazing dear So creative :) Happy Easter dear

  29. Thats so beautiful and creative!Happy Easter to you too.

  30. Happy Easter Divya...and for a second I thought it was chocolate...great work dear as always!
    Latest Post - Country Chicken Curry / Natu Kodi Curry

  31. Aw, thangai! Such pretty eggs! I love them and I'm sure I wouldn't be able to eat them, they're like jewelry :)
    That's why I re-blogged your post, hope you don't mind.

    Hugs and Happy Easter if you celebrate it (we've got one more month till ours)

  32. Awesome!!

  33. OMG! Wat a beautiful carving.... Love it !!!

  34. Beautifully carved eggs!

  35. awesome..very creative...perfect and cute eggs...

  36. wow u r so creative dear,i really wondered about ur work,hatsoff...

  37. very nice creativity dear..looks fab and great for Easter!!

  38. Beautifully done easter eggs sis I for once thought it is chocolate eggs. I sure missed a great post of yours superb idea and only my sis can do stunning recipes back to back

  39. wow !! u are really making me amazed..! definitely will try this out next time i do some pickled eggs..thanks a bunch !!! hugs


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