Sunday 7 April 2013

Nutella Wheat Flour Brownies | Nutella Brownies Without Butter | No Butter Brownies

Brownies are my favorite be it sweet or bitter-y sweet I always love them, and who wouldn't love it with some ice-cream topping specially with a scoop of vanilla and some choco chips? Yummm!! After craving for some brownies, I decided to make some brownies at home and made these wheat flour nutella brownies. As I was looking out for the ingredients in my pantry I got hold of my favorite spread Nutella, so I decided to use it in making the brownies. I also found a lot of wheat flour there and so planned to use them in my brownies instead of All purpose flour(maida). I used oil instead of butter and the end result was still good, guess the orange juice added did the magic of making the brownies softer. These were bit dense due to the addition of wheat flour, but there was no compromise with the taste. I added some choco chips to the batter which gave mini gooey bites in-between and added some extra delight to the recipe. The whole recipe was too delectable, the brownies were soft, had subtle sweetness, was mildly bitter very chocolaty and so obviously tasted too good. Try this some day am sure you will love these chocolaty perfect brownies. 

In case you do not like the wheat-ish flavor you can try adding some all purpose flour. I loved the wheat-y taste, but when I served them chilled it did not show even a hint of wheat taste. I haven't added butter instead I've added few spoons of oil to slightly decrease the calorie guilt, also Nutella was enough to sweeten the brownies. But if you'd still prefer you can add more sugar and make it more sweet. Addition of choco chips and coco powder is completely upto your wish. The best thing about brownie is that you can customize it according to your taste, but it always taste good..!!



Serves nearly 280 grams of brownie, or 9 brownies
Total Preparation Time - 20 minutes
  1. Nutella - 125 grams 
  2. Wheat flour - 80 grams (or 50 grams if you want less wheat-ish flavor) 
  3. Egg - 1 
  4. Milk - 40 ml (warm)
  5. Unsweetened coco powder - 20 grams 
  6. Semi sweet choco chips - 2 spoons 
  7. Orange juice - 5 spoons 
  8. Oil - 2 spoons 
  9. Salt - 1/2 tsp 


  • Beat egg and set aside. It does not need to be frothy. 
  • Sift flour, salt coco powder twice and set aside. 
  • Now to warm milk add nutella and stir well see that nutella is completely mixed with the warm milk. 
  • Add this nutella mixture, orange juice and beaten egg into the sifted flour mixture and beat well until no lumps are found. 
  • Add oil beat again for a minute or until the oil gets blended well. (continuous stirring or vigorous beating is not necessary here). See that the batter is thick, not runny. 
  • Meanwhile preheat an oven to 180ºC. 
  • Now spread or brush some oil in a small square tin and line the base with a parchment paper/butter paper. 
  • Pour the batter into the lined tin and spread evenly by tilting the tin then tap the tin gently. 
  • Now place the tin in the middle rack of the pre-heated oven and bake for 10 minutes at 180ºC
  • After 10 minutes insert a toothpick in the center of brownie. It should not be very clean. It should have some pieces stuck to it. This is the correct time to remove from the oven. If its too gooey (still has uncooked batter) then bake for another 3 minutes. If you bake it for a longer time then it might become dry and tough.
  • Once done remove from oven and place the tin on a wire rack and let it cool. 
  • Then slide a knife along the sides of the tin. Then dip the knife in a cup of warm water and wipe using a tissue paper or cloth (do the same before every cut to make clean cuts). Now cut squares, dipping knife in warm water and wiping in tissue paper each time before cutting. 
  • Now gently remove each piece, it would come off easily. 
  • Serve warm with ice-cream or chilled. Tastes best when chilled. 

TIP 1: I haven't added sugar here, as Nutella was sweet enough. But you can taste the batter and add some extra sugar according to your wish. 

TIP 2: I have added extra coco powder to make it taste more chocolaty and mildly bitter, you can reduce the amount of cocoa powder too if you wish. 

TIP 3: Do not over bake the brownie they will become dry and tough. So check between to see if the brownies are done. 

Chocolaty, Nutella Wheat Brownies are now ready!! Serve plain or top with a scoop of Vanilla ice-cream (YUM) and serve!! 


  1. Wow it looks super look... wish to have it right now... as usual appealing clicks... perfect brownies dear...

  2. super divya,kalakitinga,brownies always my fav,never tried because of butter content.u r look so tempting and yummy

  3. Yummy brownies with my all time favourite nutella..

  4. yummy and delicious browines and awesome photography as usual divya :)

  5. Looks delicious Divya. want to try it right away.
    just a query.. how many eggs did you use ?

  6. Lovely and graceful brownies!! Orange juice is a great idea! Also the choco chip inside the brownie looks slushy and just right!!
    Milk and brownie OR Milk and cookie is such a wonderful fulfilling combination, any day.
    Love all the shots, especially the penultimate shot!!

  7. Brownies look so chocolaty and divine!! :)

  8. so so sooo chocolaty... yummmm....

  9. Beautiful clicks sis, love the yellow background and brown brownies, really one interesting combination... too cute, want to have some now ;-)

  10. Nice its with wheat flour no butter n orange juice addition makes a no sin brownie.. Bookmarked..

  11. Quite a guilt free indulgence I must say!

  12. Absolutely yummy, lipsmacking good brownies Divy dear. Bookmarked it.

  13. Divya, lovely brownies and clicks to go with it. Superb.

  14. What is a spoon for this recipe? Teaspoon or Tablespoon?

    1. Hi, here I have mentioned a tablespoon as spoon whereas I would have mentioned tsp for a teaspoon. Thanks!!

  15. looks absolutely smashing!! :)

  16. Those look almost like fudge. YUM!!

  17. Looks so yummy ! Am happy to follow you back.

  18. Very tempting brownies in yellow background,tempting clicks:)

  19. Nutella brownies look amazing!


  20. Lovely tempting brownies

  21. mouthwatering brownies..lovely clicks

  22. You had me at Nutella. I have made Nutella brownies, but not this healthy. This sounds fantastic!

  23. this is soo cool. great healthy one. bokmarked. hapily folowing ur space.

  24. tempting and inviting brownies..

  25. Looks so great dear...Bookmarking this...

  26. Irresistibly scrumptious brownies dear!!! Simply wowed at your photos here ;)

  27. It'll be my daughters favorite brownie :)
    Carrot and Paneer- Dish it out event announcement

  28. yummmm!!!!!!!!


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