Friday 15 August 2014

Tricolor Idlis | Tiranga Idlis | Colorful idlis | Carrot & Coriander Idli | Breakfast Recipe For Kids | Tricolor Idlis Without Artificial Colors | Independence Day Special Recipe

Happy Independence day buddies. India celebrates her 68th freedom anniversary today on August 15, 2014. We should be definitely be thankful for this day and celebrate it like no other, its a day of victory for the perseverance people showed those days to get themselves, infact ourselves and everyone else free and if not for the freedom fighters,who knows, we would have still been slaves!! Terrible wars, thousands of lives all for the freedom, and as an Indian its our duty to honor their work and atleast remember and thank God for them. Here's a simple treat for you to enjoy virtually as a part of the celebration, if you are motivated please do try them at your homes and enjoy.  There are many tricolor recipes that you can fetch by browsing but these idlis are much easier and healthier so I chose to prepare these. These colorful idlis are appetizing to the eyes as well as your taste-buds, it is also an easier way to feed your fussy kids who hates vegetables. Here I've used carrots and coriander leaves but you can replace coriander with, spinach (palak) or any greens. Just see that you do not overdo the addition so that you do not miss to get those fluffy, spongy idlis. 

happy independence day 1


Makes 6 idlis (depends on the size)
Total Preparation Time - 40 minutes
  1. Idli batter - or 12 ladleful
  2. Chopped coriander leaves - 3 handsful 
  3. Curry leaves - From 2 sprigs
  4. Carrots - 2 (long ones) 
  5. Salt - As required
  1. Grated ginger - 1/4 tsp 
  2. Chopped green chillies - 1/4 tsp 



For The White Colored Idlis; Just set 3 ladleful of batter aside for the white idlis.
For The Orange Colored Idlis 
  • Wash and chop carrots into smaller pieces. Then add it to a blender and grind it into a coarse mixture. See that you do not add any water to it. 
  • Mix this coarse mixture with 3 ladlefuls of batter (along with ginger if adding) and check for salt, add if required. (See that the batter is not too runny; add more carrots if you wish to get a brighter colored idli, but not more than the quantity of batter) 
  • Mix well and set aside.

For The Green Colored Idlis
  • Wash coriander leaves and curry leaves well in water. Drain water completely, chop and grind them into a coarse mixture (or a puree if you wish) and add it to 3 ladleful of batter. (Add chopped green chillies to batter and mix if using) 
  • Mix well and set aside. 
2. STEAM IDLIS (How to steam idlis using a idli pot) 
  • I use the traditional idli pot for steaming. In which a cloth that will be wetted and placed over the idli moulds; then batter will be poured into it. This type of idli pan helps you in getting soft spongy idlis. 
  • If you have a pot like mine then follow the procedure. Wet the cloth and place it over the idli pans. (If you are using without cloth just grease moulds with oil) Pour the prepared batter into the moulds. My idli pan has moulds that can hold 2 ladleful of batter. Customize accordingly.
  • Meanwhile place the pot on a flame pour water into it. Then cover the pot with its lid and wait until water boils and steam is produced. 
  • Now open the pot and place the idli pans into the pot. Close again with the lid and cook on medium flame for 15 to 20 minutes or until your idlis get cooked well. (When you insert a wet knife into the center of the idlis it should come out clean, if it has batter sticking to it then steam for a few more minutes) 
  • Switch off the flame; open the pot and take the p. Gently invert it over a big plate and the idlis will fall off along with the cloth stuck to it. Now wet the cloth with a little water and carefully peel it off from the idlis. Be cautious as the idlis will be very hot. (If using a normal idli pan without cloth dip a spoon into water and gently slide the wet spoon around the idlis to remove it from the pan)
  • Serve hot with chutneys or curries. 

TIP 1: You can either make a coarse mixture or puree with the carrots and coriander leaves. But you will have to add water to make the puree; adding water will make the batter thin and runny thereby making the idlis flat not fluffy. 

TIP 2: You can replace coriander with spinach or any greens. 

TIP 3: If serving for kids skip ginger or green chillies. You can prepare mini idlis instead of the regular ones or make dosas with the same batter. 


  1. Happy Independence day to you! what a lovely way to start the day.

  2. Wow, it looks beautiful :) A great recipe too follow indeed
    Why dont you join us in our Saturday Snapshots Food Photography Series

  3. A big jai hind for those patriotic idli's

  4. Yummy and colorful idlies... see those cuties... Love it alot divy...

  5. Tri colour idlis look amazing! I also add veggies/ cilantro etc to make Idlis like this for the kids. Divya, isnt this the 68`th Independence Day???


  6. Happpy Independence day!!! Colourful Idli's perfect for the event.

  7. Coloruful and very inviting spongy idlies..Very Patriotic.

  8. wow such an colorful idli and super healthy even :) looks fantastic dear !!


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