Sunday 28 September 2014

Spicy Prawn Masala | Easy Eral Masala | Spicy Red Chilli Prawn Masala | Quick Prawn Masala Without Onions | Garlic Prawn Masala

Prawns,  rich in various nutrients like, Proteins, Vitamin B, Omega 3 fatty acids are one of the widely loved seafood after fishes. These get cooked faster and hence can be used to prepare various treats from appetizers to curries in just minutes. This spicy prawn masala is one of the easiest I'd say and needs just 3 main ingredients; the red chilli powder, few garlics and obviously prawns. It just takes minutes and you get the spiciest, tastiest prawn recipe that can be served as sides with rice and dal or rasam. Also makes a great combo with dosa!! When I was a school going kid mom used to pack this for lunch atleast twice a week and she still does make this very often back at home. Our hometown is alongside seashore and that's a good reason we get fresh juicy prawns almost every alternate day that's why we have this prawn dish in our routine. It's one of her special dishes that I love to prepare and enjoy tasting. Its a no onion recipe that's easy and mess free too, no chopping and grinding, and you don't even need those extra spices. I've posted this recipe already but somehow didn't get much attention so am reposting it :) You will definitely appreciate how tasty and easy this recipe is. Do try and let me know how much you like it!! 


Serves 2 to 3 people
Total Preparation Time - 10 minutes
  1. Prawns - 200 grams 
  2. Garlic pods - 3 pods  
  3. Red chilli powder - 5 teaspoons (or 3)
  4. Turmeric powder - 1/4 teaspoon 
  5. Salt - As needed
  6. Oil - 2 to 3 tablespoons


  • Shell, devein and wash prawns well and keep aside. 
  • Crush garlic pods using a pestle and mortar and keep aside. (You can peel or just use pods with skin on)
  • In a bowl marinate prawns with turmeric powder, red chilli powder and salt and leave undisturbed for 2 to 3 minutes. 
  • Place a pan on flame add oil, after it heats up add the crushed garlic pods and saute for a few seconds.
  • Then immediately add the marinated prawns saute for a minute.
  • Add 200 ml of water and cook on high flame.
  • When the water content reduces and masala thickens remove from flame and Serve. (See that you don't overcook the prawns just 3 to 4 minutes will be enough to cook them. The prawns should be succulent and juicy not rubbery)

TIP 1: You can also prepare the same masala with mushrooms.

TIP 2: Instead of crushing the garlic pods you can also chop and add them. You can also add it as a paste; just see that you saute the paste until the raw smell leaves. 

TIP 3: See that you don't overcook them. Prolonged cooking makes prawns rubbery. 

TIP 4: Instead of red chilli powder you can also add red chilli paste!!!

TIP 5: Deveining is nothing but removing the blue/black vein on the back of shrimps, deveining the prawns or shrimps is necessary as if you leave them as such you will find the prawns tasting gritty like sand. 

<img src="/SPicy_redchilli_prawn_masala.jpg" alt="Spicy red chilli prawn masala" title="Spicy red chilli prawn masala" width="200" height="200" />
This was one of the the old pics clicked on april 2012 for this post :) could not just delete it while reposting..
Spicy garlic flavored prawn masala is now ready!!!
 Have it with rice or chapati or whatever you like. You will love it!!


  1. Nice blog..looking forward to trying some of the recipes visit my blog

    1. Thank You so much Kavitha, your blog posts looks very delicious and thanks for following do visit again!!!!

  2. Finally I can see this post, I had some troubles accessing your blog, it wasn't showing me the latest post. But now, Yay!
    Hey, you must be my alter ego from another corner of the world. You always post something I really like, like these prawns.

    kisses and hugs

  3. wow..sounds scrumptiously tasty
    new to your space..
    lovely space with nice presentation
    happy following you..:)
    do stop by mine sometime

    Tasty Appetite

  4. Looks lovely. Will be on my table tonight ! Thank you for sharing this. ps Your blog pages look very good. Easy on the eye, neat and tidy - simple to follow


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