Monday 13 June 2016

Carrot Gooseberry Ginger Juice

Carrot Gooseberry Ginger Juice

Carrots and gooseberries offer so much to the goodness of skin, hair and eyes! They are so rich in vitamins that this juice made from them can be termed "the vitamin drink" and in fact they are loaded with anti-oxidants too. Ginger adds much more benefits to the drink. The trio is not only healthy but makes a tasty drink too, try it yourself and you'll agree! Even those who aren't a big fan of ginger or gooseberries will have this drink without any fuss. When you are on a cleansing diet you can include this juice in your menu as ginger in the drink will help your intestines get rid of the junk and also promotes a healthier digestive system. This drink is easy on the digestive system and makes you feel brisk and energetic after intake. But to make the drink healthy I'd skip sugar or any sweeteners (even honey) and have it plain, but adding sugar would definitely make it appetizing. Beverages are better in many ways than solid food, they can offer you energy instantly, makes you feel refreshed and sometimes makes you feel full too! Try making healthy combos and disguise the fruit or vegetable that you hate as juices along with fruits that you'll love, satisfy your thirst for health and your taste buds simultaneously! 

Carrot Gooseberry Ginger Juice  


Total Preparation Time - 7 minutes
Serves 2 glasses

  1. Carrots - 2 
  2. Gooseberry - 1 
  3. Ginger - 2 inch long piece 
  4. Sugar / Honey - As per taste 
  5. Cold water - 400 ml 
Carrot Gooseberry Ginger Juice


  • Wash carrots, ginger and gooseberry! Using a knife or peeler gently scrub carrots then wash and chop them all into smaller pieces. 
  • Put them in a juicer or blender and grind well. Add water now and blend well until smooth. 
  • Remove and drain juice. 
  • Add sugar or honey and stir well. 
  • Serve immediately or refrigerate and serve it chilled. 

TIP 1: Gooseberry gives a small tangy flavor but if you prefer more you can add a squeeze of lemon also. 

TIP 2: Reduce the amount of ginger if you aren't a big fan of its flavor. 


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