Total Preparation Time - 20 minutesServes 2 people
- Varagu Arisi / Kodo Millet - 1/8 cup
- Milk - 750 ml
- Cashews / Almonds - 1/8 cup
- Rose essence / Vanilla essence - 1/2 teaspoon
- Sugar free or any sugar alternative - 3 teaspoons or as per taste
If you aren't diabetic add condensed milk 50 ml and two tablespoons sugar (adjust according to your taste)
- Wash Varagu well in water until the water seems clear. Drain all water and keep varagu rice aside.
- Grind the cashews into a coarse powder and keep aside.
- Boil milk and wait until it reduces to 3/4th of its original volume (about 500ml)
- Now to the boiled milk, add varagu and stir well.
- After a few minutes add the ground nuts and stir. Check for consistency and add water or milk if necessary.
- Wait until varagu gets cooked well. Might take 10 minutes. (If you aren't diabetic you can add sugar and condensed milk now along with nuts roasted in ghee)
- Remove from flame and add sugar free or any sugar substitute and serve.
TIP 1: You can also use thinai or saamai instead of varagu. But thinai takes a little longer to get cooked. Soak thinai for a while prior to cooking to reduce the time.
TIP 2: Nuts can be avoided if you have cholesterol issues.
TIP 3: Make sure to boil the milk well before adding as that makes the paysam tastier.
TIP 4: Millets will increase in volume as it gets cooker so make sure not to add too much into the paysam.
For more millet recipes click here!
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