Monday 20 February 2017

Rose Milk | Rose Milk Recipe Using Rose Essence | Summer Drink Recipes

I love rose milk so much and I make it atleast once a week at home during summers. The flavor and the appealing color has always made rose milk the most unique one among all drinks. You can never spot a juice stall without rose milk in the menu. The drink is super easy to prepare at home, but instead of buying the ready made rose milk mixes you can prepare it with the essence alone. The following method using the rose essence is actually a beneficial one as you can adjust the flavor, adjust or even skip food color and also adjust the amount of sweetness. Most of the rose milk mixes have added sugar and colors and you won't be able to adjust them individually. This rose essence is used to flavor the paysam in many South Indians houses, just mentioning so you might be able to spot it out if you have it in your pantries. I usually skip the coloring part as consuming colors is not advisable. This recipe includes a video tutorial which can help you understand better. 

rose milk
rose milk


Makes drink for 2 
Total Preparation Time - 5 minutes (does not include the refrigeration part)

  1. Milk - 500 ml 
  2. Rose white essence - 1/2 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon (depends on how strong your essence is)
  3. Pink liquid food color - Few drops 
  4. Sugar - 5 to 6 tablespoons 
rose milk 058 h

rose milk


  • Boil milk until it reduces to approximately 400 ml. (thicker the milk, tastier the rose milk will be)
  • Refrigerate and wait until it chills up well. (In this method I won't be using ice cubes as I feel ice cubes dilute the drink. Hence refrigeration is necessary) 
  • Then add rose essence, sugar (I used sugar syrup), and a few drops of food color. (Avoid color if using pink essence or if you are health conscious) (Sugar syrup - You can grind sugar or make syrup and use it, either way it wont take long. To make sugar syrup, boil 5 tablespoons of sugar in 2 tablespoons of water until it dissolves well, no string consistencies needed. Remove from flame and use once t cools down. Since milk is cold, granulated sugar might not dissolve completely. This is just an optional step, You add sugar directly like you usually do) 
  • Mix well.
  • Serve! 
rose milk

TIP : Rose white essence has a very strong flavor so add about 1/2 a teaspoon and then add remaining half if you wish. 

TIP 2: Diabetic people can use sugar free or any artificial sweeteners. 

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