Thursday 27 April 2017

Pink Lemonade | Rose Lemonade

Rose lemonade is a very simple and delectably flavored drink, quenches thirst and has a unique flavor too. Try this out when you are looking for a twist rather than your regular or classic lemonade. 


Makes 3 glasses
  1. Lemon - 1/2
  2. Powdered Sugar - As required (I use 1 tablespoon per 200 ml of water; just powder normal sugar and use it as you need)
  3. Pink liquid food color - one drop (Optional)
  4. Rose essence - 1/2 teaspoon (if your essence is strong reduce a bit) 
  5. Chilled Water - 500 ml 


  • To a glass jar add powdered sugar or sugar syrup and pour chilled water over it and stir well. 
  • Now add pink food color and rose essence, stir well. 
  • Remove seeds from lemon, squeeze juice and add it to the jar. Stir well. 
  • Serve immediately. (Add ice cubes if you wish)
Check the below video to learn to make three different flavored easy lemonades!

TIP 1: Use powdered sugar or sugar syrup as it dissolves better in chilled water. Also add sugar before adding lemon. 

TIP 2: I do not recommend adding food color to the drink so avoid it as much as you can, and skip additional colors if your essence already has added color. You can also use rose syrup. 


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