Tuesday 3 April 2018

Mushroom Tikka | Stove Top Tikka | Easy Tikka Recipe

Tikka for the vegetarians is possible with paneer and mushroom! I've already posted paneer tikka recipe here on blog do check if you'd like to. In this post lets see about how to prepare mushroom tikka recipe, it is a fuss free, stove top method which is fun and easy at the same time. The flavors and juiciness of mushrooms makes it a very palatable dish. Serves as a great starter or you can use the same to prepare tikka masala to pair with your rotis. 


Serves 2 
Total Preparation Time 30-40 minutes (depends on marination time)
  1. Button Mushroom - 10
  2. Capsicum - 1/2 of a medium sized capsicum 
  3. Onion - 1/2 of an onion 
  4. Thick curd - 2 tablespoons
  5. Besan / Gram flour - 2 teaspoons 
  6. Red chilli powder - 1 teaspoons 
  7. Coriander powder - 1/2 teaspoon 
  8. Cumin powder - 1/2 teaspoon 
  9. Tandoori masala (or) Garam masala - 1/4 teaspoon 
  10. Chat masala - Few pinches 
  11. Salt - As required 
  12. Oil - Few teaspoons 
  13. Bamboo sticks (or) Skewers - 3 sticks 


  • Take a bowl and mix all ingredients except mushroom, onion, capsicum, chat masala and oil. Make a thick paste out of it. Add water if required, keep aside. This paste should not be runny but thick. 
  • Soak bamboo skewers in water for 10 minutes. 
  • Chop mushrooms into two. You can use whole mushrooms but it will not get cooked properly also it will taste bland inside. (Using whole mushroom is a safe and easy as it hold to the stick well, but only when you use a grill or oven it will get completely cooked.)
  • Now chop capsicum and onions into squares. To know how to chop vegetables check the preparation part of my paneer tikka recipe
  • Now add all the chopped vegetables into the curd mixture, mix well, cover and keep marinated for 30 minutes. You can also cover and refrigerate overnight. 
  • Now take the soaked bamboo skewers and insert the marinated vegetables. Insert pieces of capsicum, onion, mushroom alternatively and repeat. Do not pack it tightly and leave some space at the ends for you to hold. Be a little careful while inserting mushrooms as it will easily break and fall of the stick. So make sure you don't slice them too thin unless you have a good amount of patience :) 
  • Place a pan on flame and spread some oil. After it slightly heats up place the sticks over it. 
  • Spread a little oil over the the vegetables and on the sides. Turn the stick as often as you can to avoid burning and also to ensure even cooking. Cook on all sides until the masala smells good and the mushroom pieces gets well cooked. 
  • Remove from pan and show over flame for a very few seconds to get a smoky smell and burnt effect. 
  • Sprinkle chat masala and serve hot with chutney or use to make tikka masala. 

TIP 1: You can bake at 180-190 degrees Celsius also in thegrill mode on the top shelf for 6 to 7 minutes or until the masala smells good.

TIP 2: If you are not comfortable with using skewers or if you have trouble with inserting the vegetables then just toast them on the dosa first and then insert into the skewers before showing over direct flame. This method also ensures even cooking. 

TIP 3: Make sure to soak bamboo skewers in water prior to cooking as they might get burnt and break off when you show over flame. 

For Mushroom Biryani click here

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